Deck storage?

Sep 1, 2007
Last year for Christmas I was given a very nice box with a leather spade sewn into the front. I store my collection in this box along with a considerable amount of sillica gel packets.

Brewery Rabbit

Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Poulsbo, Wa
For cetain decks such as my 1st edition Guardians Or Black ghost.
I made a special plexiglass display case.

As for the rest i keep them all on my book case stacked up.
Jan 11, 2008
Cosmetic Boxes at Walmart

Many magicians in my club use black or silver cosmetic boxes with handles that open up like a tool box or tackle box. These have nice trays that fold out and allow you to store everything, D'lites, thread, coins, up to like ten decks of cards at the bottom and some silks. Many close up magicians use these with a lot of success. You can find them at Walmart and Target for about $25. They look really classy because the black one that I found has nice shiny sliver corners and very nice. You'd think it would look girly but it doesn't If you have luck finding one...they are awesome. I may by another one. Many people have even commented on how cool that "little black box is" that hold all the magic. It is about the size of a tackle box or medium size tool box. Hope this helps you guys.
Sep 1, 2007
I have this box that my mom gave me from michaels or joann fabrics. She didnt like how they were everywhere.
Organized by sealed and type.
Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
I'm definatly thinking that I'm going to have to re-vamp my entire closet so that I can have more floor space for other things.

At the moment, I keep all of my magic stuff in either my black Ellusionist messanger bag and everything else that will fit into my Christmas box that has handles on the side. My other stuff just kind of hangs out on my papasan chair, but after I fix up my closer...I'm hoping to regain that space on the chair and floor that I lost.

Oct 8, 2007
I keep mine in a sturdy box that holds exactly 12 decks, and they fit perfectly, as if the box was meant for the decks. It even contains my mini decks (2 mini decks=space taken up by 1 deck :D). I organize the cards so that all my Ghosts are here, the Tigers are there, and the gimmicked ones, the Invisibles and Strippers (I'm talking about cards here) are in a separate place. Also, i find a place that has a wide surface area, so the cards are laid out, looking all pretty, for aesthetic purposes plus easy access; you don't have to reach deep for your other decks.
Actually I have an extra drawer in my room where I keep all my cards. Standard red and blue bikes go in the first rows. Then comes all my gimmicked decks. Then, all my cards from Elusionist and Theory11.

You can use a box if you want though.


Elite Member
Apr 19, 2008
I personally use a cabinet with 4 shelves with a glass front door. One important point I would like to add is that wherever you store your cards (box, briefcase, tool case, etc) you should place a couple of packs of silica gel or other dessicant in the inside to eliminate humidity or moisture in your storage to help protect your cards. Silica gel packs are the small square pouches containing what feels like little beads that come included in various products that you buy and probably discard with the packaging. If your wife/mom/girlfriend buys a new leather purse, for example, be sure to check inside because there will probably be a few packs of silica gel inside.
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