
Jan 22, 2012
I'm just curious on everybody's opinion so I was wondering what kind of decks do you use? Personally I use regular bikes because they're quality cards that I could get anywhere. I also don't have to worry about ruining them because they're common cards. I also use Split Spades Lions on the very special occasions.
Feb 7, 2011
Overdone thread is overdone.

Use the search function before you start a new thread. There are countless threads like this.
Times change and new decks are made. Yes this is a thread that comes up fairly often, but he's a new user. Calm down, guys. Seriously, how difficult is it to answer a question?

Now. I like to change what cards I use depending on my mood. Also, I like to match what I'm wearing to the cards that I use. It may sound silly, but it makes me more confident when my clothes don't clash my accessories. However, recently I've been switching between the Fulton's Clip Joints, Jaqk Cellars, Tallys, and Blue Crowns, red and blue.
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