Do you like these coin vanishes*?

Sep 2, 2007
Honestly. I don;t like it, nor the stuff on the side. "Learn free magic tricks revealed at: *censored*" not cool. now the vanish, yes it's visual, but it'sawkward once you show your hands empty. Second: You obviously have a camera, why not use it and get some PERFORMANCES?
Jan 30, 2009
The majority of your posts seem like you are just fishing for hits for your vids and web page. Was going to say something last time.
Jul 10, 2008
Wouldn't this post be considered advertising since it does send us to a page where he is indeed"advertising"? And advertising to reveal magic effects at that! Also, it always kills me when some one posts a video like the one above. Don't get me wrong, I don't know how this was accomplished. But then again I was distracted by the nasty, half peeling off, scrubby band aid barely hanging on to your pinky finger. You couldn't have waited until that healed before you shot this? Maybe it's just me, my OCD, and my minor bit of mysophobia, but damn!

Sep 2, 2007
uusitalo, what about the other comments on the topic? will you recognize them? (The ones trying to help you other than the bandaid)
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