Double Lift Techniques

Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
Also, I recently learned Ben Earl's Loose DL, and I really like it.


I'm with David on this one. For me, it's how I would turn over the top card in reality. When I saw it and first tried it just felt right.

I think that's what's most important, if it feels right for you and it's not forced then your spectators will also feel that it's 'right'. Please note, this is not practicing a technique until you can do it really good, but it's what feels right for you to do; it's small but there is a difference.

- Sean
Sep 1, 2007
It's a lot easier to lift your singles the same way you lift your doubles than lift your doubles the same way you lift your singles.

Just a quick little note ;)
Sep 4, 2007
You pinky count. Then lift.

Or you can do the tivo 2.0 double which I mostly use for those tricks that require a random double.
i was always fascinated with the D'amico Double Lift. Been trying my hand at it for some time without much success. I can do it reasonably well with old decks but with brand new or relatively new decks i don't get very far.

does anybody do that or has anybody seen others do it ?


Mar 6, 2008
just a little question: how do you lift the double after acquiring the break with the thumb?

i roll the thumb clockwise so the card buckles a few millimeters
and then i establish a break with the very bottom of my index finger pad

i came up with a variation on this which im trying to a adopt as my main dl
after thumb counting two cards
i press down on the top of them with the index finger which is curled around in the front
this pivots the cards on my thumb
lifting the back left corner
allowing me to establish a base-of-thumb break
which is _the_ most concealed break you can do
from this position i can do a lot of natural gestures
and can even remove completely my pinky and ring fingers

i would like to see videos of the lifts you guys are talking about
i have no idea what they are from the names
Dec 22, 2007
I guess the best advice would be to make your double look exactly the way you turnover a single..... Laymen shouldn't be able to tell the difference, thats the most natural way..

actually, you should turn over your single like you turn over your double.
Oct 31, 2007
I definitly do a riffle and thumb count and then flip it over between my fingers. Simple and flashy, and easy to do with just one card as well as the dl so it never looks different.
Apr 7, 2008
I used the "push over" a lot, but sometimes I use a card that is different from the rest in the deck and I keep it beneath the top card, but if I use the push over to get a break, then there will be a bit of flashing going on there, so now I'm growing quite fond of the snap double.

And where can I find ben earl's loose dl? I looked it up but all I found was the DVD set it's taught in. Is it taught in anything else?
Apr 7, 2008
Not at all!

This set has 3 discs.

Commercial Card Magic
Gambling/Table Magic
Mental Magic

It's filled with stuff you'll love. There's a review on the forums somewhere I'll go find it. :) Check back here in five minutes :p

- Sean

EDIT: Found it :D Click me!

Thanks for finding the review. Sounds like a great bunch of effects.
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