Draven Reviews: Compress by SansMinds

Title: Compress

Artist: SansMinds Creative Lab

Producers: SansMinds Magic

Link: Available At Your Favorite Murphy’s Magic Dealer

Retail Price: $19.95 USD

Learning Difficulty: Difficult

Length of DVD: 30 Minutes

Notes: TV Rights Not Included with Purchase.

Compress is a creative approach to bill magic, and it’s a refreshing one at that. Compress is a super visual bill morph affect where a stack of bills visually shrink down to a smaller size before being restored to their normal size again right before the spectators eyes. It utilizes everyday objects to create the magical experience for the spectator. You can even use any type of paper currency for it. You start and end clean which means you can hand the bills out for examination at the end if you want to.

The only drawback is that this isn’t a beginner’s effect. The moves are difficult to learn and can be finicky in handling. It will take some practice and rehearsal to get it smooth, but once it is this will be a pretty cool trick to perform. This isn’t angle proof so you’ll need to take that into consideration before doing it but then again the angles aren’t horrible either.

Overall it’s a pretty damn good trick. It plays big using small objects so it’s perfect for stage or street. It resets pretty much instantly so you can easily do this strolling or table hopping. There are some paper currency which lends itself better to be used but Compress will essentially work with any paper currency meaning you’re not restricted to just US money. And you don’t have to build a gimmick for once! That’s right… SansMinds Magic actually released a product that doesn’t require a lot of build it yourself work before you can begin practicing the trick! So if you like money magic, and you like tricks that pack small but plays big then you’ll like Compress. It’s certainly worth checking out!

When I give my product scores below I am measuring them on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 Being absolute the worst score possible, and 10 being the absolute best, making a score of five average. The four points that I grade upon is Product Quality, Teaching Quality, Sound & Video Quality and Overall Quality.

Product Quality: 9

The price is on par with this type of trick. The effect is solid, all-be-it difficult to learn.

Teaching Quality: 9

The tutorial is very thorough and complete.

Video & Sound Quality: 9

Good sound. Good video. No issues.

Overall Quality: 9

A solid effect! Well worth checking out.

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