Draven Reviews: The Gift By: Angelo Carbone

Title: The Gift

Artist: Angelo Carbone

Producers: Murphy’s Magic

Link: Available At Your Favorite Murphy’s Magic Dealer

Demo Video Link:

Retail Price: $74.95 USD

Learning Difficulty: Moderate

Length of DVD: 40 Minutes (Approx.)

Well I’m late to the game on this one, but holy hell was it worth it! I’ve been dying to get my hands on Angel Carbone’s The Gift for several months now, and I’m quite pleased to say that the wait was worth it! The Gift is an amazing experience of close up magic wrapped up in a nice little box of impossibility. This has got to be one of my favorite effects for the year.

Starting off with production quality The Gift, mine is black, is well constructed. The gimmicks are built in and impossible to notice upon even close up inspection. It’s safe to allow the spectator to handle the box, as they’re not going to discover anything even though the gimmick is quite latterly under their noses. The magic reveals a playing card that they select themselves, but it’s completely possible to be outfitted to reveal just about anything you’d want so long as you have a way to force it. So application is limited by imagination.

Angle proof, and stunning The Gift is a miracle of close up magic. Resetting it takes but a quick moment, but it will be one done out of eyesight of your audiences making this a questionable addition to strolling magician’s arsenal of tricks. For close up workers doing a more structured set though this is magic gold. It’s visual enough that it works up close, or could be performed for parlor if you had to.

If I had to nitpick a negative quality about this product, then I’d have to gripe a bit about the price. At nearly $75 dollars this is not a cheap effect! The price alone may keep the average curious person away from the secrets there in, and that may not be a bad thing. But I feel that for the power behind the magic this price is well worth it. The Gift won’t be an impulse buy for most people, but I don’t think the price is too much to cause buyer’s remorse either. Is it worth penny pinching until you can afford it? It absolutely is.

Overall the Gift is a stunning bit of magic. I loved the tutorial video, and even though it’s a download the quality is certainly there. This is a powerhouse, and will quickly become a worker for you. I highly recommend you check this one out while you still can.

When I give my product scores below I am measuring them on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 Being absolute the worst score possible, and 10 being the absolute best, making a score of five average. The three points that I grade upon is Product Quality, Teaching Quality, and Overall Quality.

Product Quality: 9

Bit on the expensive side, but well worth it.

Teaching Quality: 9

Great video! Good ideas, and easy to perform with practice.

Overall Quality: 9

A must have.

Do you have a product you want reviewed? Want to see if it will stand up to the Draven Seal of Approval? Contact me directly at thewilliamdraven@gmail.com to find out how your product could be on the next Draven Reviews! Don't forget to like my blog where all my reviews are posted at www.williamdraven.wordpress.com.
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