Expert at the Card Table

Where is the best place to purchase this? I found the bible-like version that fits in your pocket but I can't imagine reading a book that small. I found some paperback editions on but they don't look right. All that matters is the content, right? Should I buy one of these two versions or can I find a better version somewhere else? Ebay?
Bible version is great to have for on the go. Its not too hard to read either. Just find a cheap copy of the book and buy it, doesnt have to be the bible version, just any version. Its actually free online as a PDF file, just search "Expert at the Card Table".

Depending on your skill level,I would check out Vernon's "Revelations". It is the complete Erdnase text, along with vernon's annotations, as well as extras like Kennedy's original center deal, the ping pong shift, etc.

Ive also heard that Chris Brown has a version of Erdnase that has blank pages so you can jot down your own notes and ideas. That might be something to look into if youre the creative type.
Jul 13, 2010
If you could, get your hands either on Vernon`s annotations, as UnknownMagician93 said, or Darwin Ortiz 'The annotated Erdnase'.
Jun 22, 2010
if you just want to know how a few sleights are done just go to google and look up expert at the card table pdf. you can read the entire book for free but if you want the book i would recommend the bible edition. its small and isnt hard to read
The book is awesome, unfortunately I lost my copy during a move last year. It really is a great book and it's really really helpful and in detail. My mom bought mine at Ellusionist, although I don't know if Ellusionist still sells it.

Dylan P.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
The Bible Edition is surprisingly easy to read. I don't have great vision and I had little trouble, as long as the lighting was decent. I'm hugely fond of my copy. I've read it a few times.

The Dover reprint is, as far as I know, the same text, but larger format and cheaper.

However, CARC has recently created the 'Indestructible Erdnase' which is printed on "Waterproof, tear proof paper, with a sewn binding for durability." It should be about $20, when they are released for public sale.

Then there's the versions already mentioned, which are all on my wishlist.
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