Fake D'Lights

Oct 21, 2007
hello guys,
I'm pretty sure all you guys are aware of the fake Jerry's Nuggets Being sold on Ebay. it was pretty ironic because today my brothers came back from the dollar store (Dollar Giant (in Vancouver)) and came back with "fake D'lights" obviously they were not called that (they were called "glowing fingers") and were absolutely horrible quality but still worked.
I have real pair of D'light and the fake ones are nothing compared to them. They are oddly shaped and too long to fit on your thumb yet to small to fit on your fingers.

so the reason i posted this thread you ask? Just to get notice of all the fake stuff going around nowaday... reason number two is that you can make your own D'lights by taking out the light of the fake D'light and shov'em into your normal thumb tip! there you go! Cheap D'lights!
May 16, 2008
D'lites are only like $12-ish anyway. That's not really expensive enough to justify a "cheap" version, IMO.
Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
This is not "Fake D-lights".
These are more like a "knock off" item.
You know Oreo the cookie.
Well my Grandma buys "Twisto's" lol.
It's just a knock off.

It would be fake if they were calling them D-lights, and selling those pieces.
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