Gaff Making

I made a video a little while back about making gaff cards (double backers)
if you are interested i can send a link/i can post the link here.
its password protected so if i get enough interest i'll post it here.
its about 15 mins long
so who is interested?
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
I'd be interested in seeing if my way of doing things could be improved (I'm sure it can).

its always a good thing to know, also helps because for every double backer u make, u get one double facer ha.. yeah post it up dude.

While theoretically sound, it's not always true. I'm sure there are methods (hopefully Chris') that are sure-fire but mine isn't. I do have enough extra cards that it doesn't matter either way.
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Im not a fan of making my own gaffs as they are never really as good as the ones you buy... The only ones I make now are acrobatic cards as they are way too expensive when bought from stores.
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