Good Beginner Flourishes

Nov 7, 2010
I'm looking for some beginner flourishes to learn. I heard that WERM is a good one but I want to see more suggestions before trying to learn one. I already know the 5 faces of sybil and some flourishes I learned on the T11 media page and some I've seen on .thecuso/YT, along with the different types of cuts(charlier, pivot, revolution even though im not too good at it). Try not to give me something too complicated. Thanks in advance
Nov 7, 2010
1-fan flip u can learn at youtube
2-tornado is easy ( youtuibe)
3-vertigo ( trilogy disc 2)

4- tg murphy deckflip (trilogy disc3)

Thanks, Ive tried the tornado and cant seem to get the packet to spin around right. I'll look into getting trilogy. Any other suggestions are still welcome
Apr 1, 2009
do yourself big favor, pick up Andrei Jikh's Genesis. Probably, in my opinion, the best place for beginners to start out. It's so easy to get confused in Cardistry due to non verbal instruction. And some without written descriptions accompanying. Especially for a beginner. Jikh's Genesis is a fantastic place to start because he goes into great depth for each move and cut that you learn it properly. It's invaluable to learn these moves correctly before applying them to bigger flourishes. I'm no expert at cardistry, just do a lot of dabbling in it for fun, and I struggled when learning bigger flourishes starting out. When I took the time and went back and learned my foundational moves, it made it 10x easier to learn the bigger stuff.

Peace and carrots.
Nov 7, 2010
do yourself big favor, pick up Andrei Jikh's Genesis. Probably, in my opinion, the best place for beginners to start out. It's so easy to get confused in Cardistry due to non verbal instruction. And some without written descriptions accompanying. Especially for a beginner. Jikh's Genesis is a fantastic place to start because he goes into great depth for each move and cut that you learn it properly. It's invaluable to learn these moves correctly before applying them to bigger flourishes. I'm no expert at cardistry, just do a lot of dabbling in it for fun, and I struggled when learning bigger flourishes starting out. When I took the time and went back and learned my foundational moves, it made it 10x easier to learn the bigger stuff.

Peace and carrots.

My main concern is that he is left handed and so it might be harder for me to follow
Apr 1, 2009
That's not as big of a problem as you might think... more of an excuse than anything really. I'm right handed and followed along very well. Just do the same thing he does but with the opposite hand. Maintain same fingers and everything.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2007
I agree with AsherF. That's like saying I can't learn from Eric Jones because he's left handed. Just mirror him, it's not difficult when you are paying attention. I suppose if you want, you can always go with Xtreme Beginners, but I don't know how good it is.
Nov 7, 2010
OK guys thanks for the help, I''ve always thought Andrei was a great cardist and wanted to get Genesis, maybe Ill get is as a Christmas present for myself :D.
Apr 1, 2009
Xtreme Beginners is okay... but no where near the same level. and doesn't cover as much as Jikh does, as well as Jikh does. In comparison to Genesis, XB is pretty sucky.

And I recommend learning the moves in both hands anyway. so his left hand explanations are important as well. And don't worry, once you get started practicing the moves opposite of him, it will become much easier to mirror him in the future moves, it will almost be second nature.
Nov 7, 2010
Xtreme Beginners is okay... but no where near the same level. and doesn't cover as much as Jikh does, as well as Jikh does. In comparison to Genesis, XB is pretty sucky.

And I recommend learning the moves in both hands anyway. so his left hand explanations are important as well. And don't worry, once you get started practicing the moves opposite of him, it will become much easier to mirror him in the future moves, it will almost be second nature.

I learn all my one hand cuts in my left hand even though Im right handed because I learned somewhere that after learning something in you undominant hand it is easier to learn for your dominant. only exception is my one hand fan is right handed though but my thumb fan is left handed. I already know most of the beginner stuff in Gensisis except for the triangles and 2 or 3 others. most of the fans can be learned online for free, but the Elements and Original concepts flourishes are all new to me and should make the buy worth it
Apr 1, 2009
That's part true... I would say learn them in both hands equally... it will help with fluency... it doesn't necessarily make learning in the dominant hand easier... it might just make it seem easier.
Apr 1, 2009
a lot of the bigger two handed cuts you see tend to have moves you learn one handed. Like the charlier cut or revolution cut. Start simple and grow from there. Genesis starts you out simple and you grow from there. It does have two handed cuts in this first volume. nice looking moves with two hands that I use a lot. and it's going to advance in the coming volumes. he's preparing you for the future cuts and flourishes.
Nov 7, 2010
a lot of the bigger two handed cuts you see tend to have moves you learn one handed. Like the charlier cut or revolution cut. Start simple and grow from there. Genesis starts you out simple and you grow from there. It does have two handed cuts in this first volume. nice looking moves with two hands that I use a lot. and it's going to advance in the coming volumes. he's preparing you for the future cuts and flourishes.

Would you recommend genesis or trilogy?
Sep 2, 2009
If you're looking at some cool beginner stuff, I would suggest you UnitedCardists (Just here : )

There was a contest few weeks ago for the best beginners tutorial. You'll find little gems ;)

Hope you'll find what you were looking for !
Apr 1, 2009
It's probably not the hardest flourishing set out there.. but definitely not a beginner set. While there may be an item or two that you can pull off... maybe even pull off well... You won't get the proper development that you want from beginner to expert. While there may be some benefits to being able to learn Pandora as your first flourish. It's much smarter to learn from the ground up.
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