Great Expectations : An Announcement To Celebrate

:eek: *Waves Franticly At Katie*

Way to go you two! Congrats!

It's always a great day when this kinda news hits.

Ten Bucks (Those would be D&D's brothers :p) says that this kid's actually born doing Sybil, and will be practicing the S.W.E. Shift in the incubator... and doing it better than CK, :eek:.

May I also suggest Dante for a boys name ;) (yeah, that's mine... I felt I had too, lol.).
Nov 23, 2007
Congrats and I hope everyone is healthy.

I hope you dont listen to JB when it comes to names though. However, I was thinking Sybil but I guess that would be on the cheezy side.

My prediction= A healthy girl. 8lbs 11 oz......... We shall see.
Mar 25, 2009
Anywhere, USA
Hey I hope that you are together forever and that your child be born happy and healthy and that Katie comes through this with no problems. All of my love and prayers to you. For Chris all I can say is breath, relax, and just go with it. Have a cigar!!!
Ok...seems most of you don't know the history of the Sybil cut, otherwise you would not being suggesting Sybil as a name. I *believe* Kenner originally named the cut 'The 5 faces of Sybil'...the reason being, it was based on this film. And while it's an awesome name for a cut, I personally think it's somewhat a scary name for a kid. Sounds like a serial killer or something...:eek:
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