Hard to believe...

That it's been over a year since I've been at Red Robin. JUST over a year last Friday...

When I started out, I was working Tuesday nights from 5:30-7:30. A few months later, I was working Saturday nights from 6-8pm. Now I'm doing Thursdays, Fridays, and for the next few weeks, Saturday nights too.

In this year though, I've learned more than one can imagine. And you know what, the saying goes "the more you learn, the more you realize how much you DON'T know..."
And it couldn't be more true. But, I'll say this much. It's been a great experience that I wouldn't trade for the world. Just wanted to throw that out there...this isn't a thread to brag or anything though, so please don't take it as such.

If I can be of any help to any of you, then please don't hesitate to shoot me a pm or email at:


So how did you go about getting this job? Because there are these new bars/restaurants that have just opened up near me, and they have outside seating down like a pier sort of thing (it doesnt look out onto the sea or anything). And I wouldnt mind doing a spare job entertaining.

Cheers, Tom


Elite Member
Sep 4, 2007
Tampa Bay, FL
first of all, be of the legal drinking age.. that way theres no red tape to cross when working at the establishment. Secondly, just go into the place and ask to talk to the manager on hand. Ask him if he/she would be interested in having an entertainer and show them a little of what you do. Tell them that you're willing to do a free demo for an hour (that's what I did at several restaurants and got the job). They'll evaluate how you're interacting with customers, how entertained they are, etc.. and you might just get the job after an hour.

The key is to let them watch you without them 'investing' in you just yet.

worked for me
Thanks guys! All the comments are awesome!

As for how I got the job, just read Deryn's post. That's pretty much all I did. Just make sure though, to sell YOURSELF and not the magic. Anyone can do magic, but you need to get the GM thinking that ONLY YOU can work at his establishment!

Thanks again guys!

P.S. Patrick, a simple press release does wonders. I'm getting ready to send another one out shortly. :)
Sep 2, 2007
Congrats, Steve!

Glad to hear you've had an indelible year plus at Red Robin and learned a lot along the way. I'm sure there's more to come!

P.S. I believe the gift for a one year anniversary is brick of Teletubbies – go pat yourself on the back and get some.

P.S. I believe the gift for a one year anniversary is brick of Teletubbies – go pat yourself on the back and get some.


Thanks for all the congrats guys! Once again, it's really appreciated! :)

Jack, the gift for a one year anniversary are my Patriots going 19-0...unfortunately, I have to wait until February for that one to happen! :D

Thanks again guys!
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