I need your opinion.

Oct 11, 2009
Hi everyone, I'm undecided about the card to mouth, im trying to put it somewhere in my routine, i used to have it in my ACR but I felt it didn't blend in and made the rest of my routine have less impact. Now I'm thinking about doing as Dan and Dave card across then card to mouth routine taught in the trilogy and keep my ACR classic. What you guys think? obviously I won't let myself influence about everything since not all of us have the same character but i think it would be nice to know and get some piece of advice.

Thank you for your time :)
Dec 18, 2009
I perform card to mouth along with other transposition effects, explaining that I can control cards wherever i want.
May 22, 2008
I'm not sure, I find it fits in really well with ACR because you're breaking what's expected. They're looking for you getting the card to the top, and then it appears in your mouth. So yeah, I think any transposition or effect where the spectators have an expectation of what will happen is a good place for it.
Oct 11, 2009
Well, I use Card to Mouth for the last phase of my ACR because it's oh so super ultra surprising to the audience. If you use it last, then it won't make your previous phases less impactful.


You got me in that one :p. Well I use pixel for the last phase of my ACR and I keep it short.

I'm thinking about using it card across then to mouth after my ACR, or only Card to mouth.

Thank you guys, now I'm working in a Transpo routine ;)
Sep 1, 2007
Technically an ACR is strictly making the card rise to the top. It's hard to thematically get a card to mouth routine to fit.

It works much better as a stinger for a transpo or location effect. I occasionally do for kids where I pretend to try and teleport the card into their pockets or something similar, then am a little confused that it didn't work because the card is missing from the deck. Then I act like a little sick, cough, and pretend to gag. I push the card out from between my teeth with an, "Oh no, not again." Do the reveal and sigh, "That's the third time this week. You still want it? I've had all my shots."

Card to mouth is pretty goofy, but it needs to be internally consistent.
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