I wish Walmart came to the UK!

Nov 30, 2008
Before some smartass says that Walmart already own a large brittish supermarket. I know that.

But i'm constantly reading on the forums about you guys that can just wonder down to the supermarket and find some pretty cool/collectible decks of cards for the price of a standard deck of bikes for me.

If it wasn't for magicbox i don't know what i'd do.
May 2, 2008
Don't worry, not EVERYONE in USA can just go to a WalMart that has really nice cards.

For example, the one where I live (USA, Pennsylvania) doesn't have guardians or anything else, just blue and red bikes, which, depending on where you live may or may not be something to write home about.

What, may I ask, is the main point of this thread? To discuss our wants about stores?

If so, I'd like to have a modern, cheap, healthy, and wonderful Mexican restaurant near my house.

Too bad... hey, "It is what it is."

Jan 18, 2009
To be honest with you I think that the decks may be cool but Wal-Mart isn't really a good place. I'm not arguing over anything but they have a lot of issues with taking care of their employees and what not.

Anyways my friend got some white or silver bikes and they were okay.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
This is true, but you never know - though it will never be 13 a brick, of that much I'm fairly certain. I mean, I'm having great success at finding incredible magic books at places like Borders and Dymocks. Bobo, Card Control, Expert Card Technique, Card Manipulations, The Art of Magic, etc. We'll see, I guess. But it is a shame Walmart will be here in my opinion.
I got no problem with them coming here, just as long as they bring some bikes with them.
But still, the best flourishing deck I've found is one that can only be bought in Australia... so.. I dunno
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
No, No you don't wish you had a Walmart. Walmarts are like the worst place on earth to shop. 90 Jillion screaming kids and not to mention most people I see there look like they belong in a freak show or Jerry Springer or Maury Povich.
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