Keith Fields Lecture last night


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I had the privilege of attending Keith Field's lecture last night at our local IBM / club meeting. His comical personality and accent were hilarious. He is originally from London but now lives in Detroit.

None of his material was knuckle busting and his chop cup routine was top notch. If anyone ever has the chance to watch him perform or here him lecture....definitely go to it. He has a few book tests that he created that some of you mentalist might enjoy as well.

He even took 5 minutes afterward to show me a few card handling tips and how to use a paper clipped card in an ACR.

His book "How to Handle Hecklers" is a good fast paced read and has a ton of valuable information on different ways to deal with hecklers.
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