Lee Asher's Witness vs Wayne Houchin's Indecent


Aug 31, 2007
They may both use plastic bags, but are two different effects. One is a penetration, the other a transformation. And I am not positive what you mean by IMPACT. Like above, presentation.
Well like everybody has said, presentation. They both have pros and cons.

Pro: Less risk of card not being in the bag
Con: You tell the spectator what you are going to do. (Of course, that is a presentation thing)

Pro: Signed card appears in examible bag.
Con: Small chance that card maynot appear in bag.

Obviously there are more. It all just depends on your stlye, presentation and what you like.

Cheers, Tom
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Sep 1, 2007
Edmonton, Canada
i actually dont like witnessed. the whole plot of a card changing in a bag doesnt mystify me. Id rather do it without the bag. and thats how i perform it (without the bag). On the other hand i love indecent. i do it all the time. and its just slightly more impromptu then witnessed. Indecent is one of the tricks in my repoitoire i do all the time. (so is anything else wayne does..lol)
Oct 12, 2007
Orlando Fl
Specs point of view- Witness because it happens in their hands
Performer's-Indecent because it's almost imprompytu with a tiny little setup

But what's more important is the spec's point of view so.....
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