Let's Leave Tomorrow. (Flourish/Magic Video)

Aug 6, 2008
I just started cardistry and am a beginner, so I wont be able to criticize it. But, to me it was Awesome. Your flourishes were really nice, and smooth. I really liked the colour changes. The editing was also good. I thoroughly enjoyed the video! Great job, keep it up. Anyways I know I'm supposed to critique you, but if you have any general tips in cardistry I'd love to hear them.
Sep 20, 2008
Hey Buddy,

To me, there's always room for improvement... May sound kind of bad, but looking at that video- i can pinpoint 'bad' flourishes, and some people have already pointed out flaws in the magic as well. (Let alone The lighting and the music used..) But yeah, there's a lot of things wrong in this video, but your comment is greatly appreciated. Thanks dude :)
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