LINKO By Ben Williams (lifesavers or POLO)

Dec 1, 2012

You show your spectator a couple of regular POLO mints (these can be checked), and the spectator holds onto them. As they hold the mints in their hands, you direct their attention to the mint packet. You show the logo on the packet fairly and then, with a wave of the hand, you create a miracle. You move the ink on the label so that the two POLO on the logo design are now completely LINKED! This is not a sticker or an illusion -- the packet has been changed forever.

You can even hand it out to your spectators to keep if you'd like! But it doesn't end there. You remind the spectators that one of them has been holding a couple of mints in their hands since the beginning. They are instructed to open up their hands and they see, impossibly, that the mints in their hands are now also completely linked!

These two ordinary items are no longer ordinary. They can be completely examined and also kept by the spectators if you wish.

This is what magic is all about, giving people experiences they have never seen before that will stay with them forever. This is why Linko was chosen to be performed on TV by the insanely talented and overtly cool Troy. Troy and his team knew that the organic nature and visual of the altered logo was perfect for the hit series on E4. Not only was it perfect for TV, but working magicians from all over the UK have been using Linko as part of their working repertoire. It is frequently used by workers as one of the Top Table tricks to be performed for the Bride and Groom at weddings. It is that good.
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