Media Section : New Features


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City

If you just so happen to be up at 5:17am this glorious Saturday morning, you're officially the first to see the latest updates to the theory11 media section. Thanks to our lead media section developer Richard Z, we've got some great new features.

Firstly, all content pages now include a view count. You can see how many views a video has gotten and sort videos on category pages by views-- allowing you to see which videos are the most popular (previously you could just see the highest rated content).

Secondly, as suggested by you guys, we now have a My Favorite Videos feature. When looking at any media section video, simply hit the "Add to Favorites" button below the video to add it to your list. Check out what it looks like on this sample video page. Your favorite videos will then be visible on your member profile page. For example, check out my list here.

After you add some videos to your favorites list, you can access your list at a moment's notice by logging in and clicking the View My Favorites link on the left hand side of each media section page, or you can click on the Menu button in the forums (top right under the word Artists) and click My Favorite Videos there.

To remove a video from your favorites, just go to the page for that video and hit the Remove from Favorites button-- it's as easy as that. Simple.

Lots more new features coming. We're constantly listening and working behind the scenes on new site features and new projects. Stay tuned. If you should have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Rockn.

If you just so happen to be up at 5:17am this glorious Saturday morning, you're officially the first to see the latest updates to the theory11 media section. Thanks to our lead media section developer Richard Z, we've got some great new features.

Firstly, all content pages now include a view count. You can see how many views a video has gotten and sort videos on category pages by views-- allowing you to see which videos are the most popular (previously you could just see the highest rated content).

Secondly, as suggested by you guys, we now have a My Favorite Videos feature. When looking at any media section video, simply hit the "Add to Favorites" button below the video to add it to your list. Check out what it looks like on this sample video page. Your favorite videos will then be visible on your member profile page. For example, check out my list here.

After you add some videos to your favorites list, you can access your list at a moment's notice by logging in and clicking the View My Favorites link on the left hand side of each media section page, or you can click on the Menu button in the forums (top right under the word Artists) and click My Favorite Videos there.

To remove a video from your favorites, just go to the page for that video and hit the Remove from Favorites button-- it's as easy as that. Simple.

Lots more new features coming. We're constantly listening and working behind the scenes on new site features and new projects. Stay tuned. If you should have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Rockn.

Why in the world were you up so early?!
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