My Magic Trick v2

Jul 13, 2016
Hello Theory11,
I just done the magic trick and it works. Basically you,
tell the audience to take two cards and look at them and you also look at them.
Then you make a pile of 5 and put on on the right and the left of the big deck in the middle.
Then there is two cards. you put the left one on the right 5 deck. and the right one on the left 5 deck.
Then you take three cards from the top and put it on the bottom. Do it to both piles.
Then take five cards from the big deck again and put it on top of both piles.
Then take three cards again from each of the 5 piles then put them at the bottom.
Then you magically find your two cards in the 5th position.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 2014
Orange County, Ca
Sounds like a cool self working trick! My only question is how do you present the reveal? When you say, "I found your cards" how do you do it? How does the performance (storytelling aspect) go along. I feel like you could have a really cool effect, but if the audience doesn't have a compelling story, I am not sure where the reveal comes from (other than it being a mathematic thing.)

Can you please explain further?
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