New 1-on-1's Released : 1-on-1 Release Schedule


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City

Just released TWO new 1-on-1's. The first is Four by Aaron Fisher, a four card production sequence (and a perfect preface to Panic); the second is Simple Triumph by Chris Kenner. To those of you who don't already have a Triumph effect in your arsenal-- you gotta' get this.

In addition, we'd like to announce a definite schedule for all future 1-on-1 releases. Behind the scenes, it's been a crazy busy few weeks in our offices. But we believe that the 1-on-1 section is a section of the site that is very different, very new, and very important. And we've listened to a lot of your feedback-- wanting more videos in there. So here's the plan: from this point on, there will be at least one new 1-on-1 video release every Friday. Every week. Guaranteed.

We hope that this clarified, amplified release schedule will help build that section of the site into an even more valuable resource in the weeks and months to come.

PS - The next Wynn release window is tonight at 11:00pm EST. Good luck to all!

Does anyone else think it's a bad idea to release a new one every week??? I understand T11 is a business, but by releasing them so often will just start to make them seem more....average?? I love it when I see a new 1-on-1 released, but every week would get old.

Perhaps release 1 or 2 on the first Friday of every month?!?! :confused:

Maybe release them so they coincide with the Cerca Trova section?? Or just keep surprising us like you're doing. I like that the most! :)

IDK...just my thoughts.
Sep 2, 2007
I don;t think that they should release every week,. because that then becaomes a little mundane. surpising in my opinion is better. not to mention. that give you guys more time to work on the wire!
Aug 31, 2007

Does anyone else think it's a bad idea to release a new one every week??? I understand T11 is a business, but by releasing them so often will just start to make them seem more....average?? I love it when I see a new 1-on-1 released, but every week would get old.

Perhaps release 1 or 2 on the first Friday of every month?!?! :confused:

Maybe release them so they coincide with the Cerca Trova section?? Or just keep surprising us like you're doing. I like that the most! :)

IDK...just my thoughts.
Ummm you are a little sad. You guys are assuming that they will make bad 1-on-1s shame on yourself. 1-on-1s are very helpful and these guys release helpful and well thought out stuff.
Ummm you are a little sad. You guys are assuming that they will make bad 1-on-1s shame on yourself. 1-on-1s are very helpful and these guys release helpful and well thought out stuff.

Dude, I can't vouch 100% for what Steven was trying to get across; however, based off of what he said, it's not that the effects aren't that great, it's that people will make them look like crap and ruin them, because they don't give it enough practice.

Think of this scenario:

"SWEET! A NEW 1-on-1!" *Purchases it, and practices it for a week* week...

"SWEET! A NEW 1-on-1!" *Forgets about the old effect, and moves on*

Puzzle pieces come together?

Ummm you are a little sad. You guys are assuming that they will make bad 1-on-1s shame on yourself. 1-on-1s are very helpful and these guys release helpful and well thought out stuff.

I don't believe he meant that but I think he is trying to say it wouldn't be exciting anymore if they release them and we're expecting it. It's better when it's a suprise. At least that's my guess.

Sep 16, 2007
Orlando, Fl
I think a new 1-on-1 every week is great. That is as long as the standards that have already been set are maintained. And, also, the people purchasing should realize that just because there is a new one doesn't mean you have to purchase it right away. I myself, have not purchased all of the 1-on-1's already, a new one every week just opens up my options. Maybe, I'll purchase one of these new ones before I purchase Schwing.
Oct 6, 2007
Guys, note that the 1-on-1's are not really brand new effects found in the Tricks section of Theory11. IF one new 'trick' was released everyfriday, then THAT would be crazy.

BUt the 1-on-1's are videos of basically sleight of hand, and with the sleight they give you effects to perform. They are teaching you a new sleight everyweek, but not a killer effect everyweek.

(Although some of the sleights taught in thw 1-on-1s do have killer effects)
Guys, note that the 1-on-1's are not really brand new effects found in the Tricks section of Theory11. IF one new 'trick' was released everyfriday, then THAT would be crazy.

BUt the 1-on-1's are videos of basically sleight of hand, and with the sleight they give you effects to perform. They are teaching you a new sleight everyweek, but not a killer effect everyweek.

(Although some of the sleights taught in thw 1-on-1s do have killer effects)

Very good point,

There is 1000's of sleights which can be useful in a performance, and filming and editing a 10-20 minute clip a week is possible.

Like Darosa.Justin said it's not a brand new revolutionary effect just a utility that is brought to us for a reasonable price.

I've purchased 4 1-on-1's already and I've used ALL of them. Except for the Molecule 4 since I'm still practicing. So, I'm personally happy 1 a week is being released to us, I'm happy and hopefully some more amazing sleights and effects will be taught to us.

Sep 2, 2007
I'm definitely a big fanatic of a weekly release of at least one new 1-on-1 video. The 1-on-1 section is one of my favorite sections of the site -- the forums being first, of course ;) -- which I think offers something unique and valuable.

Moreover, now, I have something to look forward to on Fridays.

I see it like this...Theory11 already does the Saturday Night Contest and we all love that. But, to release a new 1-on-1 would make it seem very mundane, and not have that surprise factor. That surprise factor is what I enjoy....hands down.

IDK....that's just my opinion. On, and FWIW, I didn't use a sad smiley, it was the confused one. LOL! :)

Aug 31, 2007
Steve and Trevor. This is good for us. Why do I say that? Because it expands the downloads to the Beginner >>>to>>> Advanced audience. Which is really nice so portions of the audience that already have a handle on the previous stuff can build on to learn new sleights and techniques. I'm sorry if you don't like the routine of it :)
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