New at theory11

Feb 3, 2008
Raleigh, NC
Hey everyone, I'm new around here. But not new to magic in particular. I was on the E forums over a year ago but then stopped going there until recently so I was unaware of the happenings over the past year and all the drama. pokerplayer269 (not sure if he has the same username here) referred me to theory11 and I'm glad he did, I definitely like the atmosphere you guys have here.
Sep 2, 2007

Welcome to the forums. Glad to have both of you here! If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a PM -- or any type of electronic communication thereof. ;)

I'll see you guys around the forums, and, again, welcome on board.

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Pokerplayer269 is a member here by the named of Jeff Fitzgerald just as an FYI.

And Welcome to the forums :). Before you do anything take a glance through the Official Forum Rules. We don't want to bring the wrath of god upon you if you make a mistake ;). Just kidding, we're pretty easy-going around here and there is a lot of stuff that is allowed. Just check out the rules and you'll understand the type of ship we're sailing.

If you ever need questions about a Product, or want to know what the DVD Quality, or what an effect is like check out the Product Questions and Review Forums. And especially check out This thread started by member Sean_Raf which is a full databank of every review on Theory11. It includes all of Theory11's products as well.

Once again welcome, and if you ever have any questions or concerns feel free to private message me, or any other moderator, staff member or veteran forum member. Enjoy,

Feb 3, 2008
Raleigh, NC
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. Jeff did say you were pretty easy going here, which is one of the things that attracted me the most. I'll be sure to check out those links.
Sep 1, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Welcome to the forums!

As you've probably noticed, we are eager to help you. Check out the Media Section, where you can find all kinds of videos posted by members. You can also submit your own media and get instant feedback from members.

Hope to see you around!

Jan 3, 2008
Hey there! Yeah I'm pretty new here, too. I was orignally on the E forums also, but everyone there was obsessed with E and nothing else. So that's why I came here; to a more neutral forum about magic in general. And also because I just like Theory11 better. ;)
Nov 30, 2007
Welcome to Theory11! Yeah I love this website. The people here are really nice and all the tricks and stuff here are sweet.
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