New Site Finally Here?


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
They have an excellent team, sell great products, and provide a wonderful experience for their users. I did not mean to imply otherwise. My comment above was only meant to be a friendly warning to be careful about falling into the trap of letting "paying the bills" guide their decisions.
Of course! If we were remotely interested in just that, we'd be making far different decisions than we do. Our product strategy, our project strategy, and literally everything we do (and choose NOT to do) is driven by one thing: what excites us and drives us forward as a company and community.

With this new site launch, we worked for months unconcerned with anything but one thing: making the best possible experience for theory11 members. Excited to share more and LOTS of new releases on the way.

Most of all, thank you guys for your support, passion, and loyalty to this community - it's what inspires us and empowers us to keep doing what we're doing, to work harder and smarter, and to keep pushing the envelope.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Of course! If we were remotely interested in just that, we'd be making far different decisions than we do. Our product strategy, our project strategy, and literally everything we do (and choose NOT to do) is driven by one thing: what excites us and drives us forward as a company and community.

With this new site launch, we worked for months unconcerned with anything but one thing: making the best possible experience for theory11 members. Excited to share more and LOTS of new releases on the way.

Most of all, thank you guys for your support, passion, and loyalty to this community - it's what inspires us and empowers us to keep doing what we're doing, to work harder and smarter, and to keep pushing the envelope.

And I have to add, that one of the reasons I've always stuck around is that T11 has always operated and conducted itself with integrity and professionalism. With many chances to respond to people slandering T11 their responses have always been with clarity, confidence, integrity and as professionals rather than entitled, overly defensive, lashing out, or attacking others. Not to mention their customer service really does rock.

I personally value businesses that treat customers well, which is part of the reason I've stuck around since day 1.

Keep it up, you are appreciated.
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