Prophet - Euros

Mar 22, 2013
Munich / Germany

I bought Prophet by Tom Isaacson about 1 year ago and I had some problems
with creating the Gimmick using Euros - to be honest - I've never performed it, just because
the Gimmicks I made are horrible...

Now, after the new 5 Euro Bills are "released" in most European countries, I wanted to know if anyone of
you has already tried to create the Gimmick with these Bills and if they fix this problem...

Thanks in advance!

- Konrad
May 6, 2013
I don't own Prophet but it's probably very similar to other bill changes. So why not changing old 5€ into the new ones. :)


Elite Member
Aug 14, 2010
I find the most interesting effect is changing 5 euro bills into bills with higher values (500 being the most powerful for obvious reasons). However, since size does matter (at least in magic...) and it is difficult to build a 5/500 gimmick because of that. That's why I love a gimmick that changes blank pieces of paper into bills, it looks so nice!

Mar 22, 2013
Munich / Germany
I find the most interesting effect is changing 5 euro bills into bills with higher values (500 being the most powerful for obvious reasons). However, since size does matter (at least in magic...) and it is difficult to build a 5/500 gimmick because of that. That's why I love a gimmick that changes blank pieces of paper into bills, it looks so nice!


That's what I tried...but the gimmicks I made using 5 euro bills and blank paper are awful - I don't have
this problem with dollar bills.
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