Saturday Night Contest : Caption This

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ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
It's Saturday Night, and here comes this week's Saturday Night Contest. We wanted to do things a bit differently this week, so if you've already got your camera in hand (and/or tape, glue, scissors, and Hans Klok Hair Gel), you can put it aside. You won't need it.

This week's contest revolves around a picture already taken. Danny and Wayne have been filming all day, and we're about to start filming again tonight. Attached to this post is an image that, I personally believe, captures the soul of Danny and his martial arts training flawlessly.

The challenge? Give it a caption. The only real rule is that the caption must be appropriate (nothing vulgar/profanity), and it's gotta be good. The more creative, the funnier-- the better. Limit of three caption ideas can be posted per user. If you post more than three, Wayne and Danny will swoop down to your house under cover of darkness and steal pancakes from your kitchen.

Captions will be judged by theory11 crew and all submissions must be posted in reply to this message before 11:00pm EST. As always, the winner will be chosen and announced at 11:30pm EST on the dot.

What's up for grabs? A sealed six-pack of Wynn's. Don't feel like waiting up til midnight for the next release window? Here's your chance. Go for it.


  • WH_DH_Ninja.jpg
    205.9 KB · Views: 548
Aug 31, 2007
Well Here I go!

Here we observe the Pancake Swiping Ninja (Aka Ninjamus Swipus Pancakeus) in its natural habitat. As you might have noticed, the natural habitat is indeed the Daniel Garcia Secret Training Facility. (aka DGSTF) In this photo we see the elite, the overseers of the camp. They are currently honing their skills in many martial and marital arts. In the photo Guru Garcia is currently attempting to meditate. In that state, he obtains the powers of David Copperfield, in which he flies around and steals your precious pancakes. The other Ninjas including Grasshopa' Houchin, are observing the process of obtaining the Garcia Powers, and practicing their forms. After this photo was taken, all of the Ninjas in the picture proceeded to raid my house, steal my pancakes and then force me to write this......all at nunchuck point.....I hope they leave soon, or I will have to break out the ancient Chinese throwing cards and fend them off....o well!
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Sep 2, 2007
D.G: Wayne? want your shoelace back? come and get it! You're minions are useless!


W:H: Give me back my guardians! Mini-ninjas! ATTACK!


D.G: Dananana, nana, nanana, da nanana, nana, na- Can;t touch this!
Sep 1, 2007
My second submission

WH- Holy crap! Its Lee Asher! And he has more Foie Gras!

DG- Get the beating stick.
Sep 1, 2007
Jamestown, NC
Danny: "Young grasshoppa'. Joo have proven jourself worthy of the ancient garments known as the pull string ninja hoodie of doom. *insert old kung fu movie air whipping fists of fury sound effect...or simply..."Whoootcha!"...* Joo have also gained the respect of the pee-wee ninjistu turtles. But now, joo must face the toughest challenge of them all. If-a joo can make edible sashimi style ninja eggroll mini's out of my friend here in the palm of my hand...joo will have earned the right to weild these platinum duct-tape nana pancake making nunchucks of the ancient one...also known to me as simply...mommy."

Wayne: "...*insert samuri grunt*..."

Shane K.
Sep 1, 2007
Leicester, UK
Entry 1: Michael Ammar is hiding in this picture. Wayne and Danny have been frozen in time as he merely cast a shadow over them.

Entry 2: There's the classic force, the riffle force etc. Here we see Wayne demonstrating the classic - Cross Cut Force.

Entry 3: Daniel Garcia is actually making the tree in his palm levitate. Wayne has to knock it off without damaging the rare miniature 'Chris Kenner in a Ninja Outfit'.

- Sean
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Sep 22, 2007
1.Crouching Garcia Hidden Houchin

2.Wayne Houchin: Danny ill save you from the evil ninja on your palm with the crossbow pointing in a painful direction.
Danny:Honey i shrunk the ninjas!

3: Wayne: I am so Kenny from south park
Danny: Look out the evil ninjas under you.Oh my god they killed Wayne!!!!!!
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My first one.

"Kenner will now regret FORCING us to watch 'Open Waters'."
Aug 31, 2007
Wayne: Knock Knock
Danny: Who's There?
Wayne: Wire
Danny Wire Who?
Wayne: Wire there little ninjas running around??? Quick Find them OFF!
Danny: NOOOO!!!
Cant You See I am training them to help protect my pancakes???!???!??
Wayne: O then....nevermind.....
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