Saturday Night Contest - Election 2012 Prediction


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
This Tuesday in America, the long election process of a President will be decided. This week's contest isn't about who you're voting for, if you're voting, or even if you live in America. It's about one thing: a prediction - a specific, mathematic prediction, of the results. A tradition in mentalism, often presented by Kreskin and Uri Geller.

So for this challenge, we want you to use your mentalism powers to predict the outcome of this year's Presidential Election: the exact total from the Electoral College. Each state has a specific number of Electoral College votes that decide the election, and combined, all of the states have 538 electoral votes.

Your job is to predict how many of those 538 votes will go to each candidate. The two individuals in the contest are Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. Your guesses should look like this:

Obama: 320
Romney: 218

Romney: 305
Obama: 233

Remember, the two numbers have to total 538 to make your guess accurate. You get TWO GUESSES per member. Make 'em count! All predictions should be posted in response to THIS forum thread on or before 11:59pm EST on Monday, November 5th. After the election results are in on Tuesday, we will go through all submissions and see whose prediction is most accurate, first.

What's up for grabs? The winner will receive 1,000 Elite Member Points, and a brick of Red, White, and Blue: a mixed brick of playing cards composed of Red JAQK Cellars, Players by Daniel Madison, and Blue Aristocrats.

UPDATE - The results have been posted! Check out the AMAZING results in this post.


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2012
Obama: 389
Romney: 149

Obama: 335
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