Saturday Night Contest - Monarchy

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Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Alright guys, time for results!

Really fantastic entries all around this week; it was great to see your favorite edition of Monarchs! While we would love to give everyone a prize, we can only pick one winner. So, with that said, let's get to the results.

Overall, we felt that this entry embodied what we were looking for the most. Great dramatic lighting, interesting composition, and really brought out the feel of the deck. Congratulations to Terry Ady on taking home the prize this week! Amazing work! Please contact our support team and they will make sure your prize gets shipped out to you ASAP!

We would like to extend some honorable mentions to these members as they made it hard to judge:
Khaleel Olaiky

Thanks again to everyone who participated and took the time to help us celebrate one of our best-selling series of playing cards. It's been quite the journey with Monarchs, but it's time to rebel. We will reveal more about the upcoming Union Playing Cards in the near future, but for now, cerca trova.
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