Saturday Night Contest - The Classics


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Hey guys! Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Yesterday morning, we released the Aberdeen Thread by James Dickson - an overhaul to the classic Gypsy Thread effect that annihilates previous methods and shortcomings.

The spectator can examine the string before and after the effect, and the best part: the secret is hidden in plain sight. No cumbersome setup. It truly is a beautiful effect that breathes new air into a classic routine dating back to 1584.

Using the Gypsy Thread as inspiration, this week's contest is all about the classics. The challenge is simple: perform a classic effect in magic. It can be exactly as published - like cups and balls - or a version/twist of your own for some bonus points. It can be ANY classic effect in magic, so the sky's the limit with what effect you choose to perform.

Our judging criteria for this week is as follows: best performance of the effect overall (no flashes!), and bonus points will be awarded for creativity. Keep in mind that performance is the main key this week, so even if it's very creative, a bad performance will knock it down the list. Make sure you practice your effect before filming!

Film and upload your performance to YouTube, Vimeo, or Instagram, and post the link to your performance in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 11:00pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, May 1st. Once time is up, our panel of judges will go through all submissions and decide on a winner based on the criteria listed above.

What's up for grabs? 1,000 Elite Member Points, ABERDEEN THREAD by James Dickson, and a deck of 5th & Laurel Playing Cards, shipped on the house, anywhere in the world.

We can't wait to see your performances. Get to it!
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Tower of Lunatic Meat

Elite Member
Sep 27, 2014
Texa$, with a dollar sign
Is Tenyo classic? :p

If I could kick you in the shins. :p

But in actuality, I rifled through both my inventory and my daughters inventory. I have something. I think. It's an idea.

It will involve Tenyo, but it's also a classic effect that fits the criteria of this weeks contest. I'm currently trying to see if what I WANT to do will actually work.

You sound pretty confident in this one. Did you have a large inventory of effects to work? Have you made a decision yet?
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Reactions: Gabriel Z.
Nov 10, 2014
If I could kick you in the shins. :p

But in actuality, I rifled through both my inventory and my daughters inventory. I have something. I think. It's an idea.

It will involve Tenyo, but it's also a classic effect that fits the criteria of this weeks contest. I'm currently trying to see if what I WANT to do will actually work.

You sound pretty confident in this one. Did you have a large inventory of effects to work? Have you made a decision yet?
I don't know too many tricks but i got good at thes I do know, and I am pretty sure this week's will be my best entry.

Pete Pridanonda

Elite Member
Jun 13, 2009
This is my favorite presentation and handling for the ambitious card since there's a reason why the card keeps jumping to the top. Not only that, but kids LOVE this routine as well :) I also really like the ending since it shows that a dog will always stay by its master's side. Good luck to everyone entering!
P.S. Credits to David Regal for the inspiration!


Elite Member
Jul 24, 2010
They say that magic has no language barriers and could be understood universally, with this in mind I avoided to have subtitles of the translations. Had to do it in the local language to be more natural....The trick is a variation of B'wave and during the performance you would here certain English words which would give you the idea of whats happening. Too bad the cameraman stopped a bit early and couldn't get the reaction on the video

I've shared this on the forums before, but hopefully it's ok to use here.

It's essentially a handling of 'Oil and Water', but more specifically is handling of Roy Walton's now classic 'Oil and Queens' effect (see The Complete Walton for the original).

Just to explain my thinking: My personalised handling allows the cards to be mixed in front of the spectator (Roy's started with them mixed) and I have also changed the kicker ending so that it fits the presentation and ends completely clean (unlike the original). Best part is that this also allows you to present it as a mock card cheating display rather than the standard O&W presentation. It is also massively discrepant which, being a fan of John Bannon, I consider a good thing!

Sorry for the waffly post....but I like to make sure people understand my reasons for messing with a classic!


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