Saturday Night Contest - Your Rarest Deck


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, hope you all are enjoying the start to the weekend! Just yesterday morning we released the newest edition of the JAQK Cellars Playing Cards family - JAQK Rosé. It was only available for 24 hours or while supplies last, and now they're gone. But we are going to give everyone a chance to win some even though they are no longer going to be sold.

What's your challenge for this week? Using Instagram, take a picture of the rarest deck you own (this applies to ANY deck of cards you own, even if it is not rare). However, we want to see more to the picture than just a deck sitting on a table. We want your picture to feel elegant while matching the theme of the deck. For example, if you used the Black Tycoons, we would expect to see the deck surrounded by dark colors and objects that represent class and elegance. Basically, match the deck to its surroundings.

Post your image on Instagram using the hashtag #theory11, and post the link to your image in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 7:30pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, October 17th. After time is up, our panel will go through all submissions and decide on a winner based off of the criteria above. We are looking for the best image that represents your deck of choice.

What can the winner take home this week? 1,000 Elite Member Points and 6 Decks of JAQK Rosé Playing Cards. We can't wait to see what you guys have in store for us. Get to it!
Sep 16, 2008
Hi there everyone, here's my entry:

Rarest deck I own.

Only 200 hundreds of these have ever been printed and made available by underground cardshark named Igor, back in the early 2000's.

Shot in the jaws of a 5ft3 paper shark, actually made of way more pieces than the number of those decks ever available, and that took me almost as much hours to build ! 🙃

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Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Right in time for my submission :

That's my rarest deck, surrounded by mere symbolism here...

What could be mistaken for a very common deck of League Bikes, is indeed one the decks Daniel Madison used when he shot his breakthrough video debut LETHAL, almost 20 years ago, and that he kindly offered to me... all that before fate made him roll to a wider world of DICEption (symbolic pun intended 😁), of cheating techniques (see the Erdnase copy laying by the deck ?) and MAGIC (yes, that plant in the background is floating in mid-air 😉).

Hope you like it !!

Good luck to all 😀

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Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hello again! This is a photo of the yellow nocs. I hope you like it!
Congrats to Flapho for winning this week's contest! Loved the use of color and composition/lighting on this shot. Very well done. Please contact our support team to claim your prize!

Honorable mention goes to DaBomb for their entry, making this one a tough one to judge.

See you all on Saturday for a new contest!
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