Site down? Site is back up.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Just got off the phone with Rackspace, our server people. They rock. Most of the time. Apparently a truck hit a transformer outside of their Dallas datacenter, and their backup cooling system powered by generator failed. Being fixed as we speak.

Should be back up and running in a few. In the meantime, rejoice with me that we hosted each area of the site at a different datacenter. Whoever made that decision should be given a trophy, or at least a cool scratch and sniff sticker.
Just got off the phone with Rackspace, our server people. They rock. Most of the time. Apparently a truck hit a transformer outside of their Dallas datacenter, and their backup cooling system powered by generator failed. Being fixed as we speak.

Should be back up and running in a few. In the meantime, rejoice with me that we hosted each area of the site at a different datacenter. Whoever made that decision should be given a trophy, or at least a cool scratch and sniff sticker.

LOL, thanks
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