Skullduggery by Luke Jermay

Skullduggery by Luke Jermay

OK this is my review of Luke Jermay's first DVD Skullduggery.

First off the Menu: Good nothing too fancy 10/10

Quality: Its kinda fuzzy like its was from 10 years ago but I could still see whats going on. 7/10

Teaching: Luke talks pretty fast and he has a heavy Brittish accent. I coud understand mostly what he was saying but a couple thing i couldn't get.7/10

Price: $42- On the expensive side, but has 8 mentalism effects. Id say it was priced OK. It's maybe worth $35 IMO.

Now for the effects:Ill give you the effect then my humble opinion. Then I will say if the effect is impromptu or not.

RGM: The spectator looks at a card the performer makes them forget. It's OK , but needs a lot of confidence. And of course it will always work because there is a back up plan.Impromptu 7.5/10

For Andruzzi: Stop your pulse then stop then proceed to stop the spectators pulse. thsi trick is amazing. I tried it once and my cousin said "are you a zombie" I didnt try the one on the spectator,but it will probably work. This is the best effect on the DVD. Completely and utterly impromptu.10/10!!

And If I fall: This is a coin trick where you take a coin make it dissapear then it appears back in the spectators fist. Its good but needs a gimmick which I don't have. It will cost about $20 for the gimmick, but has a pretty good method. Not impromptu 9/10

The Burst bubble suggestion: This is my least favorite thing on the DVD. It says that you could maek a spectators thought literally pop out of their head and come into yours. Right of the bat Luke admits me used a prearanged word and DOES NOT!! I reapeat DOES NOT teach you how to transfer the thought. That really pissed me off that he used a prearanged word. It only teaches you how to make a spectator feel a thought pop out of their head. impropmptu 5/10

A Darker Dai: Five objects are shown and the specs hand is waved over one of then while the performers back is turned. The performer waves their hand over it and can figure out the item like a magnet. It's pretty good, but has alot of good ideas which you can get from it. its a good effect but the ideas which are taught in it are even better. It can be done with playing cards. Impromptu 9/10

Syncronized: A spectator imagines a time and it's the same time the other spectator set it too. The method is decent. Im not sure if it will work becasue i never tried it. I dont wear a wtch,but i might start because of this effect. Theres a little bit of a set-up, but worth it if the effetc works. Almost Impromptu 8/10

The 7th Deception: In the description it says the spectators phobia goes away which is not true. all tht happens is that the spectator writes their phobia on a piece of paper and you put in in a flame and it burns up but the paper survies. When you open the paper up the phobia is gone. A very simple method. Requires flash paper. Not Impromptu 7/10

Twisted Palm: The last effect on the DVD. This works really good if you use it at the end of your show. I can't tell you why. What you do is you tell the spectator that your going to move their palm lines. they first see it getting deeper and moving. When I did it I could only cause a little curve in their palm. Ovecourse your going to have to slap their hand to make there lines go back. Its really cool, but you need to be super confident. Completely impromptu 9.5/10

Overall I'm glad I bouguht this DvD because I was going to buy Killer key and Im positive that I got way more out of this DVD tthan i would from Killer Key. There are so many good ideas in this DVD and so amny cool things taught to you. Some people will hate this, but most i think would like it. I'd say if you like mentalism and want to get a DVD get this. This isn't for everyone, but for me it's really cool.

I loved Skullduggery, but there definately are cons to it. One thing about the mentalism taught in Skullduggery, is you really have to BELIEVE you are actually doing what it is you're trying to do. Like say you're stopping your pulse. The only way to pull it off is to actually BELIEVE that you really are stopping your pulse.

One thing I loved about this DVD is that most of the material is impromptu. One thing I disliked is that the effects are really hard for an ameteur mentalist. It definately does supply some really great ideas to incorporate into other mentalism effects, but the routines taught in the DVD are pretty tough in my opinion. I talked to Gambit (forum member) about it a couple days after I got the DVD, and he gave me alot of really good advice on the material. If you ever have questions regarding Skullduggery, Gambit is the guy to talk to. Overall, I would have rated the DVD an 8/10.


Sep 1, 2007
The Burst bubble suggestion: This is my least favorite thing on the DVD. It says that you could maek a spectators thought literally pop out of their head and come into yours. Right of the bat Luke admits me used a prearanged word and DOES NOT!! I reapeat DOES NOT teach you how to transfer the thought. That really pissed me off that he used a prearanged word. It only teaches you how to make a spectator feel a thought pop out of their head. impropmptu 5/10

The 7th Deception: In the description it says the spectators phobia goes away which is not true. all tht happens is that the spectator writes their phobia on a piece of paper and you put in in a flame and it burns up but the paper survies. When you open the paper up the phobia is gone. A very simple method. Requires flash paper. Not Impromptu 7/10

Good review, although I did want to pull you up on a few things.

Firstly, you have to realise that the material Jermay uses is based on a lot of suggestion and psyohcolgical staging. With the right build, the Burst Bubble technique can be absolutely amazing. I've seen it used a couple of times to great success, as it really ADDS another layer to the effect your performing.

"The Burst Bubble Suggestion:
A versatile method of causing a spectator to actually feel their thought "pop" out of their mind and into the mind of the performer. "

That's the product description. It doesn't say it will tell you how to get a thought out of someones head, just that it will create the feeling of it happening. Which is quite impressive.

With 7th Deception, you can in fact cause their phobia to disappear. It doesn't happen all the time, but, again, with the right staging and proper technique (and the rigth spec.) it can happen...

Sep 1, 2007
Savannah, GA
I actually tend to stray away from mentalism somewhat, however the response you can get from And If I Fall is unbelievable if performed correctly.

Very simple.

Very easy (in theory---to pull it off with acting is another thing...).

Very much worth the time spent mastering it.


theory11 moderator
Skullduggery was Luke's first (to my knowledge anyway!) DVD release, 7 deceptions is a book. Yes, there is a correlation in the material, but it's great to see Luke perform these live.

I Liked the DVD, it's a good insight into Luke's thinking and the way he combines ideas. Check it out!:)



theory11 moderator
If you're looking for quirky, original magic then the paul harris work is a good choice, but if you're looking to get into a more in-depth side of mentalism than that little dice that goes in the 2 boxes, then have a look at the Jermay work.

I've not really used any of the particular routines on the street on the DVD, though the thinking and techniques could be employed in most any environment.



theory11 moderator
Haha, interesting decision technique there - but good luck with the stuff! When you first watch and see the methods employed, it may appear to be unworkable, For Andruzzi especially! But learn, practice and put trust and belief in what you're doing and it will work out.

Drop me a message if you have any difficulty! But I'm sure you'll be fine!

May 19, 2008
well whenever I do what other people say even If I was thinking the same thing my brain decideds "I dont care that I spent three months pocket money on a trick where I stop my pulse, I dont like it anymore, NEXT!!!!" so If I buy AoA 3 I would automaticly hate it... its a bit annoying but yeah lol ;)

I mean, I WOULD tell you I have never ever done mentlism, but I wont XD...

actually Ive changed my mind so I dont think ill get seven deceptions, Im either gonna get swami mantra (for 21 ages only-PHSCHHHHHHHHHHHHH their just saying that as a sales tequnique) or maybe these jump shoes, you get to jump like 4/5 ft in them! (how awsome!) so yeah.... he he
Sep 6, 2008
Skullduggery was Luke's first (to my knowledge anyway!) DVD release, 7 deceptions is a book. Yes, there is a correlation in the material, but it's great to see Luke perform these live.

I Liked the DVD, it's a good insight into Luke's thinking and the way he combines ideas. Check it out!:)


But if i am going to buy one of them, wich of them would you suggest?
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