
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Sleeving is AWESOME

Rocco Silano has 2 DVDs on sleeving. Hes one of the greatest. Highly recommended.
Baltresca has a DVD on sleeving long objects. Not a bad beginner DVD, but not enough info in my opnion
Rocco Silano is also in a IMS DVD as well teaching some sleeving.
Justin Miller teaches some basic coin sleeving in his Silver Dream DVD.
Carl Coutier has an old DVD on sleeving. Not bad stuff. Teaches a range of things. Also give routines.

What I recommend. Pick up the 2 Silano DVDs and the Coutier one as well.
Practice everything till its perfect.
Watch the masters at performance and learn from those.
If you want a perfect pen and coin sleever. Watch Rick Merrill. He doesnt teach much but he is amazing to watch.
I agree with Sciffy on most points here. On Rocco's DVD's he will teach you how to sleeve damn near anything ("If it fits, sleeve it!"). However I like Justin Miller's snap sleeving for coins much better than the method Rocco teaches (which is straight off the pages of Bobo's).

So I would suggest Rocco's DVD's as well as Silver Dream as I think you will have the best of the best for methodology. However, its personal preference.

I don't own his DVD but I know that David Stone uses a good bit of sleeving in his coin DVD's, and does a beeeaaauuutiful job of it, no less.

Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
Justin Millers touches on coin sleeving in Silver Dream are very nice, Baltresca has some excellent effect idea's using sleeving, though I'd recommend picking this up after you've studied the practice of sleeving as the teaching of the techniques isn't fabulous.
David Stone utilises (I believe) the Dr Roberts sleeving method, which you can learn from Bobo's. I also believe that Chris Kenner is fond of this method, though I could be mis-remembering (to coin a phrase).

Rick Merill published a great pen/coin routine in his one man magicana issue of Genii, though it doesn't utilise sleeving (Although the clean up probably should ;)), it is VERY nice, and worthy of note, since he's been mentioned.

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