Sticky Cards

Nov 30, 2008
As I live in India its very hard to get Bicycle decks and fanning powder. The decks I have bought till today all of them get very sticky after a day or two.

So what can I do to make them smooth? Plz don't me tell me to buy decks from the internet as the prices may be low but the shipping charges are really high
Jan 13, 2008
Something you may want to try (although I can't confirm this works, as I've never had to do this) is placing them in the fridge or freezer inside of a Ziploc bag (to keep any more moisture out). That may help. I would suggest trying it with one deck, first, to see if it does anything (or if it makes them worse, which it really could). Baking soda absorbs moisture and bad stuff in the air, so you may want to put one of those Arm and Hammer baking soda things in the bag with it.

That's just a guess as to what may work...I've not run into that problem, so I really can't say for sure what would help, sorry. At least you have an experiment on your hands? *looking at the bright side*
Sep 1, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Let us know how the baking soda thing works out. If it has good results, I may try it for myself! The freezer thing works for a while (like a few hours) but then it goes back to how it was.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
buy decks from the internet

And the award for the most pointless, tryhard, useless and failed attempt to be witty post goes to..

Being in India, in a way, there's not a whole lot you can do considering the climate, especially in Summer and stuff. Your best bet would be to perform/practice in cool, dry, air conditioned rooms, and make sure your hands are clean - in other words, trying to preserve your decks. With bad decks though - there's only so much you can do..
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