Stigmata - Knife Routine

Jan 26, 2017
First off, this is NOT the Wayne Houchin effect. Just thought I would clear that up.

So for the longest time, I keep going back and watching this "spinning cups routine" by Brian Brushwood which I ran across when I first started doing magic:
He has said that it is the "Russian Spinning Cups Routine called Stigmata" in that video of him "stabbing his hand" (the one that seems to go viral every year a few times).

Anyways, I've looked for it quite a bit, and never seemed to find it. I have a vague idea of how its done, but want to actually look at the source first. Does anyone know?



Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
He probably created this one. I don't know what he's doing exactly, but I know how I'd do it if I wanted it to look like that.

Research "Smash & Stab". There's dozens of versions, all with varying levels of danger. I'm most familiar with Scott Alexander's "Nailed It!" and Matt Mello's "Instinct". Scott's is 100% safe.

Personally I like this kind of routine. I do one in my sideshow act. Most people who do it just rely on the danger factor, and that's getting to be old hat, though. People will ooo and ahh a bit, but it doesn't really stand out in their minds. You have to approach it differently to really make an impact.
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