Superflip = Hard

May 2, 2008
Hollywood, FL
Man... Thats sort of a hard question. Its a fairly knacky move. I've been sitting here trying to think of some pointers to give you without causing exposure.

First of all.. Your middle finger and thumb should be right at the upper left and lower left corners of the deck. And you have to make sure that when your dribbling the cards, you are only retaining ONE at the end of the dribble. (The top card, Now it can be done with two as a double, But that takes a lot more practice so don't even worry about that now). Try taking one card in the same grip, Middle finger upper left and thumb lower left. Push down on the left edge of the card with your index finger bowing it slightly, And then simply let go with your middle finger and thumb AT THE SAME TIME. If you do it correctly the card should flip over and land on top of the deck. Once you have got the dribble and the release down its just a matter of practice, timing and feel.

Actually, That probably doesn't help much at all now that I read through it. :D

I hope it helps though.

Apr 28, 2008
true that. duck change is better though. in superflip, the card flipping is actually visible.

I don't really agree with this, using Superflip instead of the Duck change makes Tivo flow a lot better in my opinion. Also, it is very difficult to see what is actually happening in the Superflip because of the misdirection of dribbling the cards. If you try it in front of an audience I think you will find it is surprisingly deceptive.
Hey guys. On the Trilogy, the Bucks discussed how to do Ben Harris's Superflip change.

I am having trouble with it. I can't seem to do it.

Is it something that I'm doing?

Please help!

Thanks guys.

If you are having trouble with it I recommend watching the explanation again and watching the finger positions very carefully. Whenever I have had problems learning tricks from the Trilogy it's usually been because I haven't been watching finger positioning carefully enough.
If your having trouble holding back 2 cards I found that this will come in time and there isn't really much else you can do except keep trying it and you'll gradually get better at it until you can easily hold back 2 cards without even thinking about it.
I don't really agree with this, using Superflip instead of the Duck change makes Tivo flow a lot better in my opinion. Also, it is very difficult to see what is actually happening in the Superflip because of the misdirection of dribbling the cards. If you try it in front of an audience I think you will find it is surprisingly deceptive.

If you are having trouble with it I recommend watching the explanation again and watching the finger positions very carefully. Whenever I have had problems learning tricks from the Trilogy it's usually been because I haven't been watching finger positioning carefully enough.
If your having trouble holding back 2 cards I found that this will come in time and there isn't really much else you can do except keep trying it and you'll gradually get better at it until you can easily hold back 2 cards without even thinking about it.

I might not do the Superflip Change the exact way that Dan/Dave taught it, however, you cannot see the flip.
Apr 28, 2008
I might not do the Superflip Change the exact way that Dan/Dave taught it, however, you cannot see the flip.

I don't think they perform the Superfilp in the same way they teach it, i've found that if you do it exactly how they teach it then it is nearly invisible even without the dribble. However, if you try and emulate the performance of it then it happens much slower and the dribble is needed to cover it.
I don't think they perform the Superfilp in the same way they teach it, i've found that if you do it exactly how they teach it then it is nearly invisible even without the dribble. However, if you try and emulate the performance of it then it happens much slower and the dribble is needed to cover it.

I think it just looks that way because of the camera angle.
Apr 28, 2008
I think it just looks that way because of the camera angle.

I'm quite sure it doesn't, if you use the exact finger positioning taught i've found that the card flips over so fast it is invisible even from the side. If you watch the over the shoulder view of the explanation you can clearly see that the change happens much faster than in the performance.
I think the only difference is the amount of pressure the index finger is putting on the cards, it seems they use a bit less in the performance so it doesn't flip quite as fast.
Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
i've been doing the super flip utility for years. it is a knack, and you have to get used to it, let your fingers get used to the feel. my tips would be, don't try to flip the last card. if you do, you will end up with a clumsy, obvious appearance in the flip. instead, just concentrate on the dribbling of the cards. as you near the last few cards of the deck, touch your index, very lightly against the edge of the top, and allow that to be the counterweight against it. don't make the flow of the cards too tight, as this will impede the amount of space available between the cards, making it far more difficult to flip the card(s). instead, make the dribble light and rapid, with a distance of about a foot and a half between hands.
hop this helps.

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