Talk Show

Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
The broadcasting class has done a video about me and my magic. They had planned for me to come back and do a talk show style video.

This Thursday morning I will be going back!

The girl that will be talking with me needs questions to ask me about magic and about me etc.

Could you guys help me come up with some questions?

There is no set amount of questions she needs to ask, just need enough for us to talk for about 5 minutes!
not sure why you have to provide questions.
i would go with things like
when did you start
why did you start
who got you started
how did you become the best magician in the school
do u wanna continue with magic?

that should give you 5 mins.
Sep 26, 2007
Tokyo, Japan
If you couldn't do magic anymore, how would you feel and what would you do?

This question you should be asking yourself. Do you have any back ups? Is magic the key link?
Sep 2, 2007
As a general rule of thumb, the best interview questions are of the "Why" and "How" type, as they don't lead you down a blind alley of one word or one sentence answers. "What", "When" and "Who" only really need to be used if they're required to get a piece of information to set up a "Why" or a "How".

For example

Q: "When did you start?"
A: "About two years ago."

...and the conversation's over. But, if the question had been "Why did you become interested in magic?", that leads to a more expansive answer and the "When" will probably be answered within it. Your answer will hopefully throw up interesting issues, which can be honed in on in the interviewer's next question. This leads to an easy, conversational-style interview, rather than just a series of apparently disconnected questions. With a list of "When", "Who" and "What" questions, the five minutes will drag on interminably and the interview will be incredibly boring, but "Why", and "How" will give it an energy and the time will fly by.
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