TC One Card double lift video

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Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
"created" "Invented" and "Originated" 3 different words with three different meanings

First off, originate; to create, to bring into being
That means the exact same as to create.
Invent; to originate or create a product of ones own ingenuity.

Wait a second, don't those all have the same meaning? Let me just check a thesaurus. Oh, will you look at that. Both invent and originate are synonyms for create.

Now, onto the effect. Why bother proving that it is one card? Shouldn't they believe you already?
First, the history of this type of move.

The most commonly used version of this move is the K.M. move, named for its creators Tony Kardyro and Ed Marlo. There have also been similar moves be Paul LePaul, Ascanio, Roy Walton (his Paintbrush change being a modified K.M.) and there is even something called the Ultima Thule Location that is said to be a K.M. slide type of move, but I have no reference as to where it was published. You also stated the possibilities of Harry Lorayne and Paul Harris having a similar move.

As you can see, this type of sleight has many variations and handlings from many masters of magic.

On to your variation, and yes, it is a variation, or your handling, of a K.M. move or slide.

First, this is not a one card double lift. The name in itself is a contradiction. First you perform a double lift (which, at least from the example in your video, needs work by the way), then you perform your slightly modified K.M. move as a single show, then place the double back together and turn it over. As you can see, that is not a double lift, that is a sequence using a show of a single after a lift and its subsequent replacement.

Also, as stated above, "created" is not the correct word for you to use. I am not trying to shoot you down, but instead save you from the arrogance and ignorance that comes from claiming you "created" something you simply did not. Again, I would fairly say that this is your modified handling or variation of the Kardyro-Marlo move, and nothing else.

Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
SO when reddenbacker created his popcorn did he invent or originate popcorn?

No, you're wording it wrong. I'll use your example.

When he created his popcorn, he invented his popcorn and originated his pocorn. You have to apply the word his to the other statements. For you to have a vaild argument, it would look more like this

When he created popcorn, he invented popcorn and originated popcorn.

The above statement is false, as we know he did not create popcorn. See my point? I don't want to get into a literary battle with you, I just wanted to correct you.
May 3, 2008
I understand but there is basic grammar and then there are words that have different meanings in different context as you know. I created the "One card double lift" and no other person created that. it is not a "move" like a KM Move it is the whole thing , the routine or the idea and while slights are similar they are different because they are done differntly and I think I fairly gave refrences to them in my video therby showing I am not the originator of the idea or the concept but orginator of the "one card double lift" which has been credit to me since 1993 by the finest magicians in the world in the 90's and I did not make the video to argue with anyone but to correct magicians who use the routine and give me credit but do it wrong. I think I also told everyone in the video that my hands do not work well anymore and I have been out of magic for 6 years so the comment of " you do not do the double lift well" means you were not listening. I am not here to make a buck off anything but just to show what others are doing and giving me credit for like this chap

Now forgive me because I have to go and do better things....

Better things like what...blogging about girls sending you phony naked pictures to you?
@ The Amazing Tarquin, did you meet Marlo by any chance? I was having a discussion while back with a Marlo freak and your name came up. Would love a bit of history on that.

I do personally think that this is something many people can arrive at by working with the KM move. ( @Sean_Raf: Its by Marlo/Kardyo, the same Kardyo of the Biddle/Kardyo move :) There is a book of his magic I think, where he also have a collection of sleights called the Kardyo Kontrols)

May 3, 2008
Just so you know I found your blog from the link you posted as a google search from you. It's got some pretty messed up stuff. You said to look you up and I did, and I found your blog. I wanted to see what your career was like in magic and...well...there was one post on magic and the rest were all about your career taking pictures of models.
Jan 11, 2009
Excuse me fine gentlemen. My mistake. Have a great time performing magic as much as I did and I have fine memories of being a New York City performer and may you all have the same success I had in reaching your goals. It was a pleasure and for those who know the location of my One Card double lift video make sure to keep checking there for more videos. I had a pleasure posting here and this is a wonderful online group.

Enjoy yourselves as well and remember always it is about making them, the laymen, wonder and smile for just a minute.....

TC Churchwell
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