The Most Natural Card Force?

Sep 20, 2011
I like using the classic force for most lay man. But if i get a heckler i will use the spread cull force.The classic and the cull force both look the same but the cull force feels like more of a free choice to the spectator
Apr 1, 2009
The classic force is what I've found to be the most natural force. It's always a great success feeling when the force goes as planned so it's fun to do. Like mentioned before, if it doesn't go your way, just move on to another effect. But how perfect is it when you can just offer the cards as simply as you normally would. No sleights necessary or funny awkward positions and they pick the forced card?
Sep 1, 2007
Conditions are a big factor, as well as the debate of "naturalness" in card magic. Most working pros have "sets", consisting of several unified effects. If you need a force in a set you might want to use a more surefire force than the classic force, simply because you cannot just move on to another effect.

Naturalness is a reoccurring debate in magic. As far as the most natural force, nothing is going to beat a force that matches with the way you've been letting people select cards throughout your set. Naturalness is arguably a construct created by magicians, with the argument that everything you do with a deck of cards seems natural because people are seeing it for the first time.


creator / <a href="
Nov 21, 2009
Sacramento, Cali
Talking about most "natural"...

I was fooled by a force in where the magician tossed the deck on the table, and told me to grab any card. It was the force card...

Check out the book Jennings 67 if you wanna learn that force. It is slick.
Dec 9, 2011
I would say either a Classic Force or one (not sure of the name) but you effectively cull a card, and instead of returning it to the bottom, you make the spectator touch a card and it is your culled card.

The reason is, why would you do a crazy hindu shuffle UNLESS YOU WERE FORCING A CARD? If you weren't, you would do a spread + "pick a card" which is why its more natural


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
The reason is, why would you do a crazy hindu shuffle UNLESS YOU WERE FORCING A CARD? If you weren't, you would do a spread + "pick a card" which is why its more natural

It depends on where you are. Other cultures use other methods of shuffling more. I know, for instance, that in Japan the Hindu shuffle is what most people use to shuffle cards.
I think one of the most natural force if not the best i learned is the Slip Force, i learned it from Daniel Madison Anthology, you can also find it in Inside from him.

I don't really know who created it, but is natural and easy.
Dec 8, 2011
The dribble stop force is good or why not actually let them stop where they want to and then do Steve Draun's fan glimpse. Then let them shuffle deck.
Dec 11, 2011
I use the clasic force or drible force that are more natural because always that you let them have a free selection you use the drible or the spread
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