The Trilogy

Jul 16, 2008
Hey guys new here but not to card magic been doing it for about 2 years and . ready to take on the trilogy anyway is there really 100 sleights taught and does the penguin magic site come in a case with the book . thanks 52
Apr 28, 2008
I think there are 100 sleights on it however some of them are not really taught, just shown. E.g. The Aaron Fisher one handed popover move is only covered very briefly.

I think if you order from Penguin you will get the booklet and the case but it's better to order from Dan and Dave directly. The Trilogy is an incredible product and Dan and Dave should get all the money you pay for it instead of Penguin getting some.
Jan 14, 2008

it really doesnt matter if you get the booklet or not theres nothing there to add to the dvd just introductions by chris kenner and homer liwag i think?? plus list of the effects flourishes,photos and whole other things but if you really want it in that sexy black folding case??get it here better yet dnd's site.....
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