theory11 exclusive release :: BEE® STINGER Playing Cards

Jul 16, 2008
austin, tx
LOL @ All of you being sucked in by the hype again.

You just dont learn at all.

Cards look good though, will pick up some.

Theory11 is brilliant at marketing these things, and you guys keep falling for it!

Soon T11 will have more card products than magic effects lol.

"You guys keep falling for it."

"Cards look good though, will pick up some."

Pot. Kettle. Black.


Damn. That's one hell of a preview.

Love the fade and the simplicity as well.
LOL @ All of you being sucked in by the hype again.

You just dont learn at all.

Cards look good though, will pick up some.

Theory11 is brilliant at marketing these things, and you guys keep falling for it!

Soon T11 will have more card products than magic effects lol.

Agreed, except for picking some up. Many fail to realize that cards are cards, bee's, tally's, bike's etc. does not make you any better. If your good then you can use any deck to do magic or xcm, this is what seperates the ams from the pros. Just don't get suckered into buying every deck that comes out.

Feb 6, 2009
Erm they're just bee cards with a border, something thats been available for a while so I have no idea why people are like "ahhhh wow they're beautiful", "they're perfect, everything I'd want in a woman and more" and "I wish I could have sex with these cards". Yeah it's nice for theory 11 to stock them but why all the hype for something thats already out there.
Dec 30, 2008
Erm they're just bee cards with a border, something thats been available for a while so I have no idea why people are like "ahhhh wow they're beautiful", "they're perfect, everything I'd want in a woman and more" and "I wish I could have sex with these cards". Yeah it's nice for theory 11 to stock them but why all the hype for something thats already out there.

Where did you quote that from? The toilet book?! HAHAHAHAHA..... sorry....

Yeah, didn't hear anyone act anywhere near that over them.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Yeah it's nice for theory 11 to stock them but why all the hype for something thats already out there.

To clear this up - these are NOT "already out there" - at least not in uncancelled form. Stingers have long been only available for casino use, and therefore VERY difficult to get a hold of; especially in mint condition (unused). These decks are BRAND new, printed on Aristocrat stock for durability, and therefore certainly something we are excited about bringing to the surface. Enjoy.
"You guys keep falling for it."

"Cards look good though, will pick up some."

Pot. Kettle. Black.
Apologies Velcrowe,

I was mainly focusing on the build up, for the past who ever many days/weeks all just for this.

The only reason I will be picking up cards, is because I need to buy some new Tallys, and as Theory11 Shipping costs me at least one limb, I may aswell get a few items.

Sorry :p
Sep 20, 2008
Not interested in the cards. Im more interested about the flourishes and the productions done in that bloody video. Dan and Dave buck never fails to amaze.

Also, just to point out- i am very happy with T11's move to stock some tallies bikes and bees. =]
Feb 6, 2009


Elite Member
Apr 19, 2008
Stingers are sweet casino cards, love the faded edges and its nice to get them without a casino logo on them, but the ones actually used in real casinos are on premium Bee casino grade stock, which is USPCC's best stock. Why produce a Bee branded deck on Aristocrat stock, which is USPCC's "econo" casino stock? Aristocrat stock is just OK, without the snap and durability of Bee stock.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Stingers are sweet casino cards, love the faded edges and its nice to get them without a casino logo on them, but the ones actually used in real casinos are on premium Bee casino grade stock, which is USPCC's best stock. Why produce a Bee branded deck on Aristocrat stock, which is USPCC's "econo" casino stock? Aristocrat stock is just OK, without the snap and durability of Bee stock.

Aristocrat is in no way USPCC's "econo" stock - it's a very high end stock that we hand selected and worked very hard in precise selection of in production of the Smoke and Mirrors (also printed on Aristocrat stock with Dan and Dave).

The Stingers have a perfect amount of snap and in all testing by Dan and Dave, Andrei, Chris Kenner, and I over the past several weeks - the durability is top notch.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Exaggerating to make a point mate ;)

And I'm sorry but the very first site I looked at stocks them (, and I've seen them in several physical dealers. I maintain yes it's nice that you stock them but there is nothing groundbreaking about these.

I believe that is incorrect - I just checked literally every deck on that link (that site is actually one of our authorized retailers here at theory11), and no where do I see ANY decks of uncanceled (mint condition) Stingers. They are not impossible to find, but they are VERY difficult to come by. But not anymore. ;)
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