theory11 Holiday Contest - 2022!


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2017
I have been playing for about 5 years. I purchased 2 variety box sets this year and had 26 free spins which collected me 1100 points. I managed to get another 200 points with just the free spins...a lot of no rewards. This is a game that Theory11 put on each Christmas...people do win...but may not post. I am sure like many other sites algorithms play a role and with many new people there is limited give aways. It is meant to be fun..light and friendly. On the previous 5 years...I have only won an average of about 400 points per year. Free spins + purchases will get more points enjoy so Theory11 don't stop the game...enjoy the anticipation...and all prizes will be won...but the winners may not let us here know...just enjoy. Peter in Oz
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Elite Member
Dec 27, 2018
So far a lot of no reward and 100 points. But a couple of years ago i got those pink summer nocs 😁
Apr 16, 2022
On Christmas... 50 elite points! Wasn't expecting much of anything to be honest. Just love this company and how much they genuinely care for their customers. Hope everyone has a beautiful new year!
Apr 23, 2022
I don't know if its good or bad luck, but I haven't been spinning every day and I still got a +50 and +100 pts. Its not free decks or bundles, but im still pretty grateful that Theory11 doesn't require daily spinning to get anything.
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Elite Member
Aug 5, 2017
WA state USA
This years wheel has been a tough one for me. It probably just seems tough since last year I was on a hot streak! But I’ve gotten 250 points so far this year. I missed a day too.
Dec 5, 2018
Overall, I am quite disappointed with the wheel this year. If it were just me getting far below average results, I would just blame it on my bad luck and not even comment, but this seems to be a broader problem. Some people getting 50-150 points in over 2 weeks of spinning is pretty ridiculous in comparison to the past 4 years. Even 200-250 points isn’t much better assuming that’s the total by Jan. 1.

The wheel came out later and had worse probabilities (at least anecdotally)—a double whammy.

I’m grateful that theory11 runs this promotion at all, but after years of playing, they could be more transparent and warn loyal patrons that they couldn’t afford to be as generous this year with the wheel odds.
Dec 4, 2018
With one (maybe 2?) daily free spins left, I'm currently at +700 elite points, which is fantastic. However, I understand everyone's frustration. Most of my points are from the +500 which I was very fortunate to get. In the past, I think I got more +50s and ended up in a similar position as this year. While there are definitely ways this year's wheel could be improved, I'm personally satisfied.


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2014
I’ve had a Theory11 account since 2013, and this is the first time I received no reward, no reward, no reward like for 7 days straight. All these days I’ve spun the wheel and all I got was 50 points. I do love Theory11, don’t get me wrong, but to be honest at the same time I feel disappointed :(


Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
500 points in total this time. By far the worst I've ever done. I'm Still very appreciative of being able to spin without paying.
Free points are awesome lol...
Never won a physical prize in the 4 or 5 years of spinning. Oh well, congratulations to everybody that won and Cheers to 2023..
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