theory11 roundtable discussion - Daniel Garcia Edition


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Tonight is Saturday, and as is tradition, we shall formally commence Saturday Night Contest festivities. Tonight marks our fifth theory11 roundtable discussion, so we knew this one had to be good. Listen to our previous discussions with Wayne Houchin, Tom Isaacson, Dan and Dave, and Andrei Jikh. We'll be doing many more of these in the weeks to come.

Our host tonight is the one, the only, the Daniel Garcia. In addition to being the covergirl of this month's Magic Magazine, Danny is a close friend to many of us at theory11, and undoubtedly one of the most innovative creators on the scene today. Further, as of a few months ago, Danny has been creative consultant for David Blaine.

As is the case with all theory11 roundtable discussions, we will be taking questions directly from you guys and answering them in a podcast posted shortly after. All questions must be posted in response to this thread by 10:00pm EST - this is when we will start recording. The podcast will be posted at 11:00pm EST in this forum thread.

All of those whose questions are picked to be in the podcast will receive a 1-on-1 video of your choice. Looking forward to some great questions tonight. Go for it...

UPDATE : Podcast has been posted. Listen to it now here.

Deleted member 2755

Listening to this one will be good. :D



1. What is the best advice you can give to those whom are starting or thinking about starting resteraunt work.

2. Off the top of your head, what is the funniest thing that happened to you while performing magic that you can think of?

3. What was the worst possible thing that could ever go wrong that happened to you while performing... and did you manage to recover from it?

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1. As someone who (as far as I know) doesn't flourish alot, what are your feelings about flourishing?

2. Your tricks are innovative and not something most would think of a method of, do you find yourself brainstorming your tricks or discovering them on accident?

3. Seeing as most people don't know of any magicians other than David Blaine and Criss Angel, do you find yourself getting rejected just because they think your just some guy?

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Sep 2, 2007
((How manby questions are we allowed?)

Danny, when do you expect your new DVD to be out?

Danny Can you give us any new information on your ew DVD?
Dec 3, 2007
1- Will you become a theory11 artist if you have been offered to. and since your not what does theory11 mean to you.
Apr 24, 2008
What got you started into the art of magic? What was the first magic trick you saw that you can remember which got you into magic?
Dec 3, 2007
2- What do you consider your style to be and how did you come up with it (style inspiration).
May 6, 2008
3-Have you ever thought about pursuing another career such as singing , since your songs are really good?
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Haha DG this should be good
1.Who, if anyone inspired you to start magic?
2. How did you begin your professional career?
3. What effect that you performed first made you realize that you love to amaze, and how old were you?
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Nov 15, 2007
Ada Oklahoma
1. Danny - Many people expose tricks on youtube, including yours, as everyone here can agree I'm sure, you dislike it and so do we. What I want to know is some more insight on what you think about it.

2. Working with David Blaine has to be awesome, but as the creative consultant do you help with his stunts or ideas for stunts or do you simply work with him on magic?

3. Recently I've had a small problem (nothing major though) with hecklers, what is some advice that YOU would give?


On a side note I would like this question to be asked (off the record): Why did you become a ninja, and how did you get monkeys big enough to gaurd them white Centurions?

May 8, 2008
if you had to choose one other t-11 artist to be stuck on an island with who would it be and why?

when you started performing who did you look up to?

What was your magic "bible?"
Apr 24, 2008
When you are coming up with new effects, do you just sit around and play with cards/coins/other objects and see what you can come up with, or do you think of an effect you want to do and then think of all possible ways to achieve it?
Dec 3, 2007
3- since you are the consultant to david blaine, what was this experience like and what does it mean to your carer.
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