What do you do with your custom decks?

Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
What do you magicians do with custom decks? The only custom deck I have is a deck of Guardians. I tell you this without any exaggeration...I have had this deck for TWO YEARS and it is still just like it was outa the box!!

Reasoning? I LOVE Guardians and I don't like anyone touching them!! Any time I have to do magic with them, I only do effects were the only way the spec. touches the cards is to choose one lol.

I am not much of a flourisher so I don't do that so they kinda sit for me to look at lol.

I won't let a sharpie close to my Guardians, and infact, I die a little inside when I watch the trailer to Jesse Feinberg's Divided effect, just because he is tearing them lol!!!

So I am curious, what do you do with your custom cards? I want some Bee Stingers and some Sentinals SOOOOOOO BADLY, but have yet to buy them because I cannot really perform with them unless I buy 12-20 packs of each....
Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY

now dont get me wrong i have a stash of some decks that are just for collection purposes, i.e. erdnase decks, smoke and mirrors, white centurions and a signed old split spades. a few others. but all others i use and often. I used to keep a few of my E decks too but decided just to use them too except the vintage as i use those kinda like gaffs. If your a collector than collect, but otherwise use'em. decks are like tissues and sorority girls, you use them till your done and then throw them away and move on. I have gone through several decks of Guardians, Centurions, Stingers, etc, and use them just like bikes, well the stingers i save for performances but you get the picture. I used to worry about using them, i wanted to keep them forever, then i realized... thats dumb and rectified the situation. Its actually kinda fun
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
I want to use them, SOOOOO BADLY!!! But the problem is that I'm worried about constantly spending a ton of money on these decks that I LOVE soooo much lol

If they were the same price as regular bikes, I'd put them through hell and back, but theyre $5 a deck!!! lol
May 10, 2010
Truthfully, alot of my custom decks sit on my shelf, and I only take them out every now and then to dribble, fan and just do some cuts. Then they go back into the box and sit there on the shelf again. So they're really like brand new...

However, there are certain custom decks that I use. These are decks that I simply cannot resist having them sit on the shelf. An example would be the SS Lions. I have 3 of these, 2 of which are unopened. This in the end gives me the freedom to destroy (if I even ever do so) one to the ends of its lifespan and still have 2 to spare. I usually don't open the last box though, for keepsake.

Custom decks are usually more durable than normal decks that I use. For example, I find that the Lions last up to three or four times longer than my regular bikes which lasts me nearly a month if I take care of them. That said, 3 bikes are definitely more expensive than one SS in my area, so if you look at it this way, it's a pretty decent deal to buy custom decks. However, I'd like to stress that this doesn't apply to ALL custom decks, only certain custom decks, and it's really up to you to experiment with to find out which works best for you.
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
I have actually thought about it this way...

If I would quit eating fast food for lunch everyday, and grab something at home, I could buy a custom deck every week and STILL save money lol
Sep 26, 2007
Tokyo, Japan
TBH, I have bricks of random custom decks from T11 and DnD etc... brown wynns, what have you, but in the last 2 months, the only deck that I have opened or touched is a red or blue back bike. I perform around 4 times a week and I only perform with bikes as I tend to produce same colored back jumbo cards. Not sure why I bought all the bricks, but I guess they can be my future children's inheritance =).
May 10, 2010
There's plenty of saving methods, saving off meals is but one of the many in the inexhaustible list! By all means, try it out, not only is it healthy to an extent, if it saves you some cash, no harm done!
Sep 30, 2009
Elkhart, IN
I was the same way with my decks but I looked at it this way... Yes they are more money then regular bikes but why spend that money just to have them sit around. I wouldn't spend money on a fancy car just to let it sit...that is a waste. You buy things to use them...so use them. Show them off! I love my Guardians too...and love to show them off as well. Don't worry I have one that I have not opened...LOL
Apr 27, 2010

now dont get me wrong i have a stash of some decks that are just for collection purposes, i.e. erdnase decks, smoke and mirrors, white centurions and a signed old split spades. a few others. but all others i use and often. I used to keep a few of my E decks too but decided just to use them too except the vintage as i use those kinda like gaffs. If your a collector than collect, but otherwise use'em. decks are like tissues and sorority girls, you use them till your done and then throw them away and move on. I have gone through several decks of Guardians, Centurions, Stingers, etc, and use them just like bikes, well the stingers i save for performances but you get the picture. I used to worry about using them, i wanted to keep them forever, then i realized... thats dumb and rectified the situation. Its actually kinda fun

I agree with jrobarts completely. Decks are meant to be used, not cherished (same with tissues and sorority girls....lol). A deck of cards is like wearing a hat or a piece of jewelry, it's simply a small part of your style. Have them signed, folded, torn up and give them away. The focus should always be on your interaction with the spectators and how you're presenting your effect, don't worry about what's happening to your props.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City

Unless they are particularly rare or difficult to find, decks are absolutely meant to be used. Yes, custom decks like Sentinels and Stingers are a bit more expensive than standard Bicycle cards, but in the grand scheme of things, a deck of either is still cheaper than the Starbucks I had this morning. The thought never crossed my mind to save the Starbucks instead of drink it - it was meant to be used. Playing cards are much the same.

Of course, it makes sense to be a little bit more careful with your new custom decks, but if you have them - use them. I saw your note about wanting to try out some Sentinels and Stingers - check your email. A package is on the way, completely on the house. Enjoy them!


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I am completely with JB on this one guys. Use them. Create moments of astonishment with them. Why let them sit on a shelf so that once a month you can have a friend over and you can say, "Dude...look at these. These are worth $100. There are only so many of them left in the world." But...hey whatever. Ha ha.
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
Wow j.bayme seriously you are sending me a deck of each?!!! Thank you sooooo much!!! I will definately perform with them!!!!

Hmm I just checked my email and don't have anything from ya!!


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Wow j.bayme seriously you are sending me a deck of each?!!! Thank you sooooo much!!! I will definately perform with them!!!!

Hmm I just checked my email and don't have anything from ya!!

You got it! Enjoy them. I would recommend switching to an alternate email provider than AOL, as that may be the cause of why the confirmation email did not go through (we just resent it). No worries though - will be in your REAL mailbox by the end of the week!
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
Yeah must be AOL mail because I still haven't gotten it lol. But I look forward to getting them!!! And more importantly, I look forward to performing with them!!!

I'm hoping that I can scrape up some money soon to get Foundations!!! I think table work would look SWEET with the Stingers.

Anyhow, JB I can't thank you enough!!! I'm soooooo grateful, and super excited to get the cards!!!! I think I might post a video of me performing with them, and add in a Thank you at the end of it!!! I think thatd be awesome!!!!
Dec 26, 2009
Jul 18, 2010
hey JB, ive always really wanted to try some jerry's nuggets and brown wynns..... just saying ;)

That made me laugh. If we are gonna play it that way, I have always wanted Smoke and mirrors, brown wyns, jerrys, and maybe some Split spades....*cough cough* I'm a little orphan that has never had a good deck of cards *cough cough*. Please sir...

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