What next?

Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
Ok so i bought micheal ammar's introduction to coin magic. I've practiced most of the stuff for about a month now and i thin i've got the pretty decent looking. So my question is, where to go next?

What effects, routines, or dvd's are suitable for a guy in my situation? I had my eye set on CoinTwo and Revolutionary Coin Magic. But both of those seems too advanced now. So if you have any suggestions on where to go next, pleas let me know. Thanks!
Jun 24, 2008
United States
you've only been doing it for a month!?
i think you should keep practicing the material untill you KNOW IT...know it as in can perform it anywhere anytime and teach it as well. once you know it then perform and perfect it. then youll be setting a difference between someone that knows tons of tricks but can only do them o.k and a magician that can make a few tricks into miracals...
I know that i also have to practice on working through all of my effects more thoroughly befor moving on....hope this helps

Aug 31, 2007
I believe the saying goes, 'Cards take weeks and months, Coins take monthS and years.'

Also, Bobo's would be THE place to start. Also, Ammar has the Easy to Master Money Miracles which would be a good place to go after the first Ammar one.
Glenn's saying hit the nail on the head.
You want to develop a second nature library of effects that you can do.

One month is enough to "skim" the amount of info in that set.
But reality is you want to expand so I will answer you question. CoinONe and CoinTwo are great. They do take a considerable amount of skill to make it look normal.
Do you have Bobo's? If not it is ESSENTIAL, I also reccommend Expert Coin Magic by David Roth (Amazing Book).

Remember, what ever you choose do not choose it because everyone says that you need it. Magic should be personal and fun. What ever it is, enjoy it.

Hope This Helps
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