I watch guys like Chris Ramsay, Daniel Madison and Xavior Spade...who present themselves in such a cool, down to Earth, laid back manner. Then I watch Sankey...and he seems like the guy at the bar who would come up and interrupt your group conversation obnoxiously and you want to punch him in the face within two minutes.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some of his tutorials, but he does come off as a bit of a "trying too hard to be cool to the point he's insufferable" kind of guy.
Sorry for the late reply, but for whatever reason, I didn't get an alert on this.
The first thing I would like to say is that Ramsay and Madison don't exactly come off as down to Earth (granted, DM has made arrogance his marketing persona - in his actual DVDs and long videos, he actually is pretty humble). I was also referring to Jay outside of his YouTube channel - as with his DVDs and books. To be fair, he kinda comes off as annoying on Camera because he's a comedian (by initial profession), and Comedians can be pretty annoying when there isn't a conversation others can partake in.
Back to the full discusion,
I would like to say that while I really like Sankey, I first found out that some of his stuff isn't the best and he definitely releases some effects which aren't really doable. Next, his P & T thing kinda pissed me off when I first saw it. He also see,s a bit self-centered, but then again, a lot of people are. But what really interested me is this - Sankey seems to take shots at people without any real reason.
Yesterday, I googled some of DM's work to find some effects I heard people talking about, and I ended up finding this:
Now before you click on it note that it is a very old post, and filled with pretentious comments and utter disregard for morals. It eventualy just became people taking shots at others - became almost like some posts in the Cafe (so glad the Forums here have developed into a much more mature and welcoming community).
What you should focus on is the OP that has Jay's newsletter on it.
The thing that first pissed me off is that Jay flat out calls Madison a thief and tries to be cool about it.
He then gives 3 examples of Madison "stealing" from him.
On further research, I found that the effects Jay listed as Madison's "thievery" are different enough from Jay's that they are indeed original. The Madison Effects listed even got a lot more praise than the Sankey ones, and overall looked better.
What really pissed me off though was the last line about Madison not being part of the industry, or being considered a magician. I feel like Sankey blatantly just lied here. Madison became a magician somewhere in the the late 90s. He was a founding member of TXI, Why the hell would he not consider himself a Magician, or part of the industry? I'm like 98% convinced that that quote is made up - the other 2% being the possibility that Sankey was Drunk and imagined it (or called the wrong person), and partial benefit of the doubt.
And Even if Madison did "Steal" them, there was no need to publicize the entire exchange. Magicians think of similar ideas all the time. He should've hit up Madison (for real), and if he said no - which I doubt he'd do - tell Theory 11! Madison was a part of TXI at the time.
What's worse is that I think I've read stuff where he has called out other magicians for no real reason - but I'm not 100% sure if that was a made up thing in my head, or if it was even Sankey (I think I'm actually confusing Criss Angel with him in this specific memory).
Another thing that pisses me off about Sankey is that he puts "INSANE MAGIC TRICK... REVEALED" in a ton of his videos to attract laymen, which isn't necessarily a bad thing since most of the stuff he teaches involves something about performance etiquette (I'm not going into detail about this here, please don't start a discussion about exposure on this post), but it definitely brings more exposure to the laymen community who don't really care about magic, but just want to ruin performances.
And Sankey Hate has obviously existed for a while! Just take a look at that post and read the pretentious replies. They are saying even if Madison stole the tricks, it was ok.
Overall: So While I respect Sankey, I think the dude needs to take a couple chill pills and stop looking at the magic world like he owns it. I think he tries to hard to prove he is "the best" - something that never has, and never will exist in magic.
Edit: Sorry for the rant