Young Magician of the Year

May 17, 2008
I just got an email from the leader of my IMB ring that if we want we will get a chance to compete for the young magician of the year award here in Alberta. I need a 5 minute routine of close uo magic to amaze the judges with. I have been contemplating wich effect I should use and I have a few Ideas but I kow that you guys are the ones who know magic the best so I want to now some routine ideas that would impress the judges.


Nov 25, 2008
first of all congrats on getting the chance to compete.I would reccomend doing unseen and hard sleight of hand.shoot michael kras a pm.He did a routine from "by forces unseen".
May 2, 2008
5 Speed is an awesome routine...

Another thing I would recommend is combining some really powerful effects, such as Stigmata + Witness.

It sounds odd, but this is how I present the 2 COMBINED.

I have them take the card...etc. and once I have switched it into the bag then I tell them to put one hand on the bag and one on my arm. I make it into sort of a "circuit." Then I show them that their energy has gone onto my arm, and then the energy has also gone to the bag.... then I reveal :)

Also combining Indecent with Witness is pretty good as well :)

Hope this helps :D

I wish you the best of luck.

Nov 10, 2007
I think it was you that was asking about the comedy routine I did on vimeo. I would love to help you out on where you can purchase this effect. I am going to shoot my friend a call real quick and hook you up in which book he learnd it from..........
ok then:
Book : Count on Them
Artist : Aldo Colombini
Website : Just search around you should find it somewhere
hope this helps.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
My advice would be to show that you actually have a knowledge and appreciation for the art. Any young magician can google "magic", find Ellusionist and Theory11, and perform Witness, Indecent, etc.

How many can say the same about performing Vernon - the greatest magician in history?

He wasn't the greatest by accident.
Feb 6, 2009
St. Louis, Missouri
If you wan't to learn how to win in a close up competition.
Ask somebody who has won before. ;)

You don't ask your uncle how to be a millionaire.
You ask a millionaire how to be a millionaire. ;)
Nov 10, 2007
My advice would be to show that you actually have a knowledge and appreciation for the art. Any young magician can google "magic", find Ellusionist and Theory11, and perform Witness, Indecent, etc.

How many can say the same about performing Vernon - the greatest magician in history?

He wasn't the greatest by accident.

That is some great advice praevtm;lsvm [ what ever it is ] gave you. I can guarantee you nobody will be doing vernon magic. You will really give a great impression if doing one of his effects.
If you dont want to do a Vernon effect maybe perhaps you would like Larry Jennings a bit more try picking up The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings book. It is a great investment.
Do something that is technically easy, but will allow you to work on presentation and showmanship. Look at the title... "Young Magician of the Year"

They're not exactly looking for the next Darwin Ortiz, but more or less a competent magician that respects the art, puts forth effort, and shows growth and potential. A classic in magic normally goes over well, something that has been done before, but will also show the judges that you practiced and rehearsed the routine, and they can really tell you enjoy performing. Cups and balls, chop cup, rope stuff, etc.

I would personally stay away from cards and coins. Too many people will probably be doing that, and unless you do something really original, you'll be just grouped into that same category.

Best of luck,
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Being a magic competition, they arent looking for stuff like your latest biddle trick or stigmata.
Im pretty sure if you do, it will go something like this
"pick a card... alright... now think of your card and hold my wri..."

No one wants to see another guy performing the latest routine from T11 which cost him $10 and 30 minutes. No one wants to see the same old patter and the same jokes and the same gags. Everyone wants something new.

you want to do something which shows not only skill but knowledge and experience.
Make it unique. Make it memorable. Make it entertaining.
Check out Shoot Ogawa's close up material. Some great stuff there.
Akira Fuji's coin material.
Rick Merrill has some great close up (FISM winner by the way)
Rocco Silano is a wonder at sleeving.
David Stone is a great character as well.

Do something someone like you wouldnt.

"here we have a deck of cards and... HOLY CRAP ITS A CUP! inside this cup is 4 coins, WAIT THEYRE NOW MICE! if we take each mice and put it under each cup, they now become 4 lemons with tails. Lets make lemonade... *make make* now if we give the cup a shake, it becomes a yellow silk. Whats this, its DANIEL GARCIA!" or something of the same originality but not the same extremeness.... (is that a word?)

Basically dont go for the new. Take the best of the old. Make it even better. And make it you.

Unless the judges are magickid69, blacktiger100, and magicboy2, then Im pretty sure stigamata, witness, and a sandwich will crash right away.
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