Practice help

Oct 29, 2009
Just around
Hey guys, I'm sure many of you already know this, but for those who are just starting out, or don't know it, I've found something that really helps when practicing. A light touch.
So often when we practice, we tend to grip the prop firmly because we are consentrating on the sleight. If you just loosen your grip and be more relaxed, I've found I can do certain things I couldn't do before. It also helps me learn faster, and I make much fewer mistakes. I'm sure this goes for anyone also.
I also found this out quite a while ago, but I think it's important. I was practicing my spread pass, and I was wondering why a certain part of it was not working. I soon realized, I had become so caught up in the mechanics of the move, I forgot how it was supposed to appear to the spectator.
I think that is an extremely important part of practicing. We need to remember how it is supposed to appear to our spectators. Then try to make the move look as close to that as possible. As magicians, It's kinda easy to get caught up in trying to do the move, when we should really focus on trying to make the move look like what it is supposed to. It doesn't matter if your DL never parts, the spectator will still catch you. It needs to look smooth so it looks like a single, and even if it parts, the spectator will probably not catch you, because they are not expecting it.
Hope this helps someone:)

Jul 1, 2009
I will try to set some examples:

For Example when praticting the classic pass is better if you do it with a light touch as the same as the top change.

Great thread scarecrow1 will expand tomorrow because its late.
Oct 29, 2009
Just around
I will try to set some examples:

For Example when praticting the classic pass is better if you do it with a light touch as the same as the top change.

Great thread scarecrow1 will expand tomorrow because its late.

Exactly Nino.
Please do. Any other advice for practicing is welcome.
Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
I am a huge fan of using a light touch when not only practicing but preforming as well. Aaron Fisher talks about this in The Paper Engine. Well he talks about how audiences can sense tension and how to eliminate it. One thing that I hate when I see magicians performing the classic pass is how they hunch over and telegraph that they are going to do something.

He also mentions it in his blog about how not to do the classic pass.
Aug 2, 2008
Agreed with all here. Its good to remind ourselves about having a light touch. And as D ICE R mentioned, Aaron Fisher does indeed talk about tension in magic and how it can kill anything you do. It would be cool if someone showed a routine with a light touch and the same routine without one. I would love to see the visual differences between the two.
Nov 30, 2009
Lancaster, PA
great advice scarecrow. i will add one thing that has helped my practice... get yourself a little video camera and film your practice versus watchin yourself in the mirror. you can really br critical of your presentation and the ability of the sleights and performance versus trying to watch yourself in the mirror. you can use the video function on any digital camera or pick a]up one of the creative labs vado cameras.
Jul 1, 2009
Somebody mention this a while back, but when doing a sleight like the pass or spread pass you don't want to look at your hands. Do while watching TV or soemthing that keeps your eyes of your hands. Its muscle memory. Also talk when doing the sleight and don't look at your hands. The audicence will notice anything, but you stop talking and look at your hands they will look at your hands and then your caught.

DICE R mentions a blog of the pass by Aaron Fisher. Listen to it and brought some good points. He says when praticing the pass you either do standing up or sitting down dependign when you doing the pass. Say if you want to do the pass while sitting down, you want to pratice it while sitting down. The blog was great and I will post the link later.

Here the link:
Oct 29, 2009
Just around
Somebody mention this a while back, but when doing a sleight like the pass or spread pass you don't want to look at your hands. Do while watching TV or soemthing that keeps your eyes of your hands. Its muscle memory. Also talk when doing the sleight and don't look at your hands. The audicence will notice anything, but you stop talking and look at your hands they will look at your hands and then your caught.

DICE R mentions a blog of the pass by Aaron Fisher. Listen to it and brought some good points. He says when praticing the pass you either do standing up or sitting down dependign when you doing the pass. Say if you want to do the pass while sitting down, you want to pratice it while sitting down. The blog was great and I will post the link later.

Here the link:

So true. It's important to not look at your hand when doing a sleight, unless it makes sense to.
Works for me, I have seen so many magicians make an effect that looks perfect and flawless from their own point tof view, sitting on the coach, standing, what ever it may be. It is important that the effect is for the spectator, not the magician.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
So true. It's important to not look at your hand when doing a sleight, unless it makes sense to.

You can look at your hands, as long as you're not burning them. Just a quick glance here and there is fine. I know plenty of top card guys who will look at their hands when performing. Jeff McBride mentioned that he would do that when he had to do fancy sleights..

A good way to practice is to treat it like you are first learning it. No matter if you've been performing for years or whatever. Always take it slow and casual when you do it. This should help build up better muscle memory and should enhance your magic. I mean if Rene Levand can do it super slow with ONE FREAKING HAND. Why can't you do it with two?
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