Dynamo the magician, what do you think of him?

Aug 31, 2012
Exeter, UK
Yesterday I discussed with a friend, a magician (who came to my house to teach me the basic techniques: D) about magic and he said something like "I like Dynamo's tricks and his style of performances, but he does not create any magic. All his tricks are set up" Do you agree with this? What is your opinion?

James Wise Magic

Elite Member
Dec 28, 2007
He's a performer and he's spreading the art of magic around in a positive way. And not all of his stuff is setup, A lot of his stuff is legit. I don't know about anyone else but he's done alright by me.
Sep 4, 2012
He seems to pick good effects but his performances do nothing for me. A younger me would have badmouthed his performance 'style' but whatever, a good percentage of the people I know LOVE watching his shows, I don't think i've heard as many laymen going on about a magician this much since David Blaine first started getting huge, so.

He doesn;t create any magic though (As far as I can tell anyway).
He's bringing magic into the public eye in the UK. I work in a comedy club doing close up magic, and keep getting asked if I know of A) Dynamo and B) The Masked Magician.

Personally I'd rate neither of these as good performers, but they do have very large budgets which help. Today I was asked if I could walk on water by a kid like Dynamo, but then was also asked if I could make a balloon Hedgehog.

They have both made an impact on magic, and its up to us as performers to show people that what can be done on TV can also sometimes be done live in front of there eyes, and if we can do that, they're usually happy.



Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
As far as I can tell, he's David Blaine mixed with Dan & Dave. I don't really care that he doesn't invent tricks, I care about performance. While I don't care at all for his performance style, he does his tricks well enough not to give away the secrets and he's gotten a decent fan base so more people are thinking, "Magic is cool!" I'm appreciative of that.
Oct 13, 2012
Well, wanted to start same thread :) . I don't like most of his tricks as they are obviously set up. But those he does impromptu or without setting it up are really good as well. He is a talented guy but I would like to see him performing something more "realistic" from magician's point of view (I hope you understand me :D ).
At the end of the day he is the reason for why I am a magician, why my passion is magic.

"but he does not create any magic. All his tricks are set up"

I strongly disagree with you saying that he does not create any magic and all of his tricks are set up. Firstly, if you are a spectator then it is magic, if you know how the tricks are done then it is obviously not magic. Yes some tricks may use a set up, but so are many other tricks, such as Dresscode etc etc and of course not every trick is a set up, and I highly doubt that he is the only magician on this planet that uses set ups
Jun 17, 2012
At the end of the day he is the reason for why I am a magician, why my passion is magic.

I strongly disagree with you saying that he does not create any magic and all of his tricks are set up. Firstly, if you are a spectator then it is magic, if you know how the tricks are done then it is obviously not magic. Yes some tricks may use a set up, but so are many other tricks, such as Dresscode etc etc and of course not every trick is a set up, and I highly doubt that he is the only magician on this planet that uses set ups
I think he ment using stooges and actors, but yeah i enjoy seeing it and i love when people come up to me and ask for "the move-by-itself deck" at school.
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