Where can I find the majority of these sleights?

Apr 5, 2009

I already know a couple, like when Ellen cuts the cards. The one I am interested in the most is the one where he drops three packets on the table. One time when he does it he say "NO, NO, NO" somewhere around 40-50 in there about. I really want to take the opportunity to create something like this; I am going to have to re-look into royal road for some false cuts though.

However, unless I am wrong, crimps are not in there. In addition, neither is the triple cut to the table thing. I am thinking the zarrow shuffle would be beneficial. Any other tips though.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
The Sam the Bellhop DVD by Bill Malone has that false cut. I suggest researching false shuffles and cuts. There's a ton in ... pretty much every card book out there. Off the top of my head RRTCM, Expert Card Technique, Expert at the Card Table, Card Control, etc.
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