Your Favorite Way to Control a Card to the Top

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Elite Member
Jun 13, 2013
Thank god you're here to point out what we're all doing wrong...

Question though: If they're not looking anyway, why bother with a classic pass? Why not just cut the deck? Blantant actions are total invisible if done when no one is looking, the top change proves this theory.

The classic pass is an invisible control in that no visible cutting/shuffling occurs. Why bother with an invisible action when no one is looking?

You don't pass when people are looking.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
The Blind Square is my favorite control. It is slow and deliberate and really hard to follow.

There are some angles to be considered but for a small group of magicians or laymen it is my go to.

I mess with TOP by Alex Pandrea sometimes. It's interesting to play with but I don't love it.

For a four of a kind I use Synchronicity by Ollie Mealing if I have a table

If I don't have a table I use the multiple shift face up in Card Control
Mar 2, 2016
The Blind Square is my favorite control. It is slow and deliberate and really hard to follow.

There are some angles to be considered but for a small group of magicians or laymen it is my go to.

I mess with TOP by Alex Pandrea sometimes. It's interesting to play with but I don't love it.

For a four of a kind I use Synchronicity by Ollie Mealing if I have a table

If I don't have a table I use the multiple shift face up in Card Control

Blind Square fooled me so much, that I'm not entirely sure if I'm dreaming or not anymore...
Jan 11, 2017
It's a little bold and a little angle sensitive, but it is crazy deceptive.

Is it similar to the angle sensitivity of le cool control? I'm looking for a control that will leave a card outjogged in the middle, while getting it to the top. This might be it. Is it only good straight on?
Jan 14, 2017
I just paid to learn Blind Square. It was worth the ten bucks. And now I have added it to my favorite card controls (practicing constantly at the moment).
It *is* rather bold but so, so effective.

Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
Lee Asher's Losing Control. No angle sensitivity. It is that good.

I need to learn this!

Is it similar to the angle sensitivity of le cool control? I'm looking for a control that will leave a card outjogged in the middle, while getting it to the top. This might be it. Is it only good straight on?

It works best straight on but it has a little wiggle room. There are a few versions of the bluff pass out there that will get a card to the top or second to the top with the card out jogged.

I just paid to learn Blind Square. It was worth the ten bucks. And now I have added it to my favorite card controls (practicing constantly at the moment).
It *is* rather bold but so, so effective.

It feels extra bold because the magician sees a very exposed view but if you try it in the real world it is very effective. I was at a restaurant a few months ago and we got talking about the pass. Everyone tried their version. I performed the Blind Square 3 times in a row and fooled a handful of magicians over and over. It is just as strong for lay people!

I recommend lots of mirror practice, get used to how it feels in your hands and how what you see translates into what the audience sees.
Jan 14, 2017
I recommend lots of mirror practice, get used to how it feels in your hands and how what you see translates into what the audience sees.
That sounds like some solid advice.
I agree that it appears quite BOLD - as you stated, the performer's view is so obvious.


Dec 23, 2016
Not sure if you gonna like this one. But its easy.i use the daryl first card control. Not sure if thats the name of that move.i saw it in his dvd
Oct 6, 2016
To control a card to the top (when not having a table) I normaly use any of the following:

-Side steal
-My variation of The Silent Half Jiggle Pass by Derek Dingle
-Midnight Shift by Steve Draun
-Broadside Center Steal by Ernest Earick with my take on top placement (You can see a demostration of the move done by me on my IG ( In real use I always do it as a "half move")

In regards to people saying you cannot control a card to the top using the Hofzinser Spread Cull, yes you can. If not an issue, just return the card face up into the deck (also face up) and do the move, guess what, it's on top now.
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